上海市民办世外小学由均瑶集团举办。二十八年来,学校秉承“让学生走向世界,让世界走进学校”的办学理念,邀社会各界人士参与,集教育研究成果之精华,取中外教育经验之长,融中西方文化之优,为每位学生个性化发展打下坚实的基础。学校校区占地面积22715平方米, 建筑面积为14344平方米, 有室内外运动场地12559平方米。学校还配有3D打印、书法等专用教室32间。学校有中外教师200人,其中,中学高级职称占15%,本科学历及以上占100%。师生比为1:9。学校先后获得“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国特色学校”、“上海市文明单位”、“上海市行为规范示范校”、“上海市教师发展示范校”等称号。上海市世界外国语中学和小学属于一贯制学校,学校内部有小学直接升入中学的机制。
(一)招生班级数:2021 年秋季招收一年级十个班。
类别 | 招生数量 | 招生对象和条件 | |
统招-普通班 | 125名
| 上海市户籍且居住在徐汇区内的适龄儿童。 |
2014年9月1日至2015年8月31日出生 |
统招-双语班 | 98名 | 居住在徐汇区内的符合徐汇区入学条件的适龄儿童。 | |
| 56名 | 居住在徐汇区内的外籍身份的儿童; 居住在徐汇区内的中国香港、台湾、澳门居民身份的儿童。 | |
| 16名 | 上海市世界外国语小学在职或在岗的教职工子女; 上海市世界外国语中学在职在岗的骨干教师子女。 | |
举办者员工子女 | 29名 | 签订过“进入上海市世界外国语小学就读”协议的、获得过均瑶集团“重大贡献奖”的集团员工的子女。 |
4月26日-4月28日,家长在“上海市义务教育入学报名系统” (网址:
1.学校开展网上“校园开放日”活动,活动时间为3月23 日-3月27日。家长可登陆学校网站和微信公众号了解更为详尽的学校及招生信息。
Enrolment Information about WFLPS 2021
Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School is a private school, that is administered by the JUNYAO Group. Over the past 28 years, the school has been adhering to the school philosophy of “Let the students embrace the world, let the world be part of school life.”The school invites people from all areas to be educated and while learning from educational research, use this to enhance student learning. We recognize and draw on the advantages of Chinese and global education and integrate the best of Chinese and Western cultures. We believe in laying a solid foundation for the personalized development of each student. The school campus covers an area of 22,715 square meters, with a building area of 14,344 square meters and an indoor and outdoor sports area of 12,559 square meters. The school also has 32 specialist classrooms including 3D printing room, calligraphy room and dedicated art rooms and music areas. There are 200 Chinese and foreign teachers in the school, among which 15 percent hold senior professional titles, 100 percent have a Bachelor degree or above. The teacher-student ratio is 1:9. The school has won many awards as "National May Day Labor Award", "National Featured school", "Shanghai Civilized Unit", "Shanghai Model School of Code of conduct" and "Shanghai Model School of Teacher Development". Shanghai World Foreign Language Middle School and Primary School belong to National 9-year Chinese school system. The primary students will go to the middle school under certain policies after their graduation.
I. Enrolment plan and targets
1. Number of enrolled classes: 10 classes of Grade One will be enrolled in the autumn of 2021.
2.Total number of enrolments: 324 students.
3.Categories and Criteria
Categories | Number of enrolments | Targets and criteria | |
Local department | 125 | Registered Shanghai permanent residence or residence in the Xuhui District with school-age children. |
Birth Date-
Born from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015
Bilingual department | 98 | Registered permanent residence or residence in the Xuhui District with school-age children who meet the requirements for enrolment in this district. | |
Fusion department | 56 | Children with foreign identity residing in the Xuhui District; Children who are residents of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao residing in the Xuhui District. | |
Children of WFL(Xuhui)Staff
| 16 | Children of in-service staff of Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School; Children of excellent teachers in Shanghai World Foreign Language Middle School. | |
Children of JUNYAO Group Employees
| 29 | Children of employees who have signed the agreement: "Enter Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School" and won the "Significant Contribution Award" of JUNYAO Group. |
II. Registration dates and times
April 8-April 23: Parents are to fill out the registration form for the children and upload children’s photo in their current kindergarten in the Xuhui District. For children who are not attending a kindergarten parents need to obtain the registration form from the Enrolment of Examination center of Educational Bureau of Xuhui District (No. 28, Bai Se Zhi Road, Xuhui District). They then are required to register the child’s information and upload the children’s photo.
April 26- April 28: Parents log on to the Shanghai Compulsory Education Enrolment System (shrxbm.edu.sh.gov.cn) to fill in the preferred school. Each child fills in 1 random admission choice and 1 dispensing choice. (The dispensations can be selected among the three departments of our school or certain schools belong to WFL Education Group or private schools in Xuhui District.)
May 17-18: The Municipal Education Commission’s unified platform will generate a random selection via a computer program.
May 19-20: Private school admission verification and admission information will be distributed to the parents.
May 23-24: Dispensed choice admission information will be distributed to the parents.
Before August 15: Admission letters will be issued to new students.
III. Charging standard
The tuition of 2021 will be released according to the approval from the Price Bureau.
IV. Matters to be addressed:
Parents must please choose carefully the correct category according to the admission brochures. If the applicant does not meet the requirements outlined, the school reserves the right to refuse admission to the program.
V. Work Promise:
The school promises that students will not be registered in advance or registered in disguise, and no tests of any kind will be held. Admissions are open and are not linked to any outside agencies. The school will not use any textbooks or curriculum from abroad.
VI. Others
The school will hold an online "Campus Open Day" from March 23 to March 27, 2021. Parents can visit the school website and School WeChat Official Accounts to learn more about the school and obtain the enrolment information.
School website link: www.wflps.com
School Wechat Official Accounts: 上海市世界外国语小学
Contact number: 64363556-8015
Consultation time: 9:00-16:00, March 23-27
Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School