每一天睁开眼,我都能看见这五彩斑斓的世界。Every day when I open my eyes, I can see the colorful world.
有时候,我觉得它很复杂,Sometimes, I think it is complicated,
因为它拥有不同的物体组合,丰富的层次以及渐变的色彩。because it has different combinations, various layers and many colors.
有时候,我又觉得它很简单,Sometimes, I think it is very simple,
因为所有的东西不都是由点、线、面所组成的吗?because they are all made of dots, lines and faces. Isn’t that right?
世间万物,都有自己的脉络走向与形状色彩。Everything in the world has its own style, shape and color.
However, I like using my paint brushes, to record the basic forms of things.Then add all kinds of lines using my imagination. These lines represent my different emotions. Simple or complicated, good or not?
这是双语部三D班江宸暄同学对绘画的感悟。她喜欢用纷繁奇妙的线条来描绘眼中的世界。本次世外艺术空间展出了她的二十余幅线描作品。This is the thoughts of Jing chenxuan from Class 3D of the Bilingual Section. She likes using different lines to draw the world. There are more than 20 works done by her, presented in the Art Space.
线条作为创造形象和表现艺术家思想感情的绘画语言,有着丰富的表现力和艺术美。线描画看似简单,只要一张白纸,一支水笔,便可以随时随地进行创作。但一幅精彩的线描画可能会由成千上万的线条组成,一笔一画都需要细致勾勒,变化多端的线条最能体现出创作者的毅力和巧思。Using lines are a language, to create images and express the emotions of the artist. It shows the beauty of the art and it is full of imagination. It seems simple. You only need a piece of white paper, ans a pen to create your work. However what i draw has probably millions of lines in it. Every step takes time. The thoughts of the painter is represented through changeable lines.
江宸暄是一位耐心、细致的小画家,她的每一件作品,都展现出了胆大心细、一丝不苟的绘画风格。在她的画笔之下,原本平凡无奇的动物、植物和静物,都穿上了千丝万缕的线条织成的锦衣。欣赏她的作品,犹如徜徉在奇异瑰丽的秘密花园里。Jiang chenxuan is a patient painter. Her work is thoughtful and careful. She draws animals, plants, and objects using millions of lines. While admiring her work, it seems that we are wandering into a secret garden.
“形依线而立,色依线而明,神依线而传。”小江用倾注心血、充满情感的线描作品,带领我们走进了奇妙的线条世界。让我们尝试用一种全新的角度重新认识这美丽的大千世界。Shapes are based on lines, Colors are based on the lines as well. Lines present the thoughts. Jiang uses the lines to express her feelings and emotions. It leads us to enter her wonderful world of lines. Let us learn about a beautiful world through a new perspective.
愿大家,目光所及,皆是美景。We hope that all you see is also beautiful.
Article Photos Wang liwen