上海市世界外国语小学于2007年12月正式被国际文凭组织授权为IB PYP学校,正式成为中国人办学的第一家国际文凭组织PYP学校,真正开始了融中西文化之精髓的办学模式的探索之路。
上海市世外小学国际部于2024年7月在原融合部的基础上成立, 是国际文凭组织小学项目的授权学校。国际部秉持世外小学“让学生走向世界,让世界走进学校”的办学理念,满足不同学生的个性需求,尊重不同国籍、文化的差异,最终为学习者成为有竞争力的国际型人才打下坚实的基础。国际部目前有中外教师60名,教师队伍优质稳定。
WFLPS International Division was established in July 2024 based on the WFLPS fusion department. It is also an International Baccalaureate Organization Authorized World School. WFLPSID believes the philosophy of WFLPS "Let the students embrace the world, let the world be part of school life ". The development of values and curriculum go hand in hand and individual skills and abilities should be encouraged and nurtured in a supportive atmosphere. Each students’ personal needs are met and we celebrate and respect all the differences of nationality, culture and religion. The program lays a good foundation to develop life-long international learners. WFLPSID is currently located at 380 Pubei Road, Xuhui District. Currently there are a total of 60 Chinese and foreign staff with a high level of academic qualifications.
Using the IBPYP framework, the six “transdisciplinary” units aims to provide expansion and more practice for fundamental courses, as well as to link a variety of knowledge and skills. There are six main themes: "Who We Are", "Where We Are in Place and Time "," How We Express Ourselves "," How the World Works "," How We Organize Ourselves ", and" "Sharing the Planet". Each class has two homeroom teachers: one is a Chinese bilingual teacher, the other is foreign teacher, who collaborate in a team-teaching model. The “Trans-disciplinary Themes” ensure the integration of every subject. The students are guided to learn through exploring and asking questions. The students develop confidence and independence which assists them adapting to further study abroad after their graduation.