父母是一本书,书写浓浓关爱;Parents are a book, a book full of love.
父母是一堵墙,遮挡无尽风雨;Parents are a wall, to guard us from the wind and the rain
父母是一盏灯,照亮似锦前程;Parents are a lamp,to light the future
2021年5月21日上午,五年级“我们的责任”微讲座正式启动。On the morning of May 21st, 2021,Year 5 listened to lectures about “Our Responsibilities”.
活动在电教室拉开帷幕,陆校长欢迎各位家长的莅临并给予学生满满的期许。她希望每一位从世外学子未来都能有责任有担当。 Principal Lu welcomed the parents in the media room and outlined expectations for the students. She hoped that every WFLPS student would be responsible in the future.
随后,史杭知爸爸代表家长发言。他期盼孩子们能在未来的学习生活中,充满热情和好奇心,能勇敢地跟别人对话和交流;去探索更精彩的世界,拥抱更阳光的自己!After that, Shi Hangzhi’s dad was on behalf of the parents to wish all the students to be passionate and curious in their future learning journey. They were told to be confident to talk and communicate with others. They were encouraged to explore the wonderful world and take the time to enjoy the sunshine.
为了表达敬意和感谢,孩子们为阳光爸爸妈妈们献上了鲜艳的红领巾并送上了感谢卡。In order to express their thanks, the students presented a red scarf and thank you cards to the dads and moms.
本次活动,爸爸妈妈们早在四月份就开始筹备,讲课的家长进行了预讲,其他家长群策群力,反复琢磨、修改,选择孩子们喜爱的方式,确定了各种有趣的主题。《AI世界里,我们人类还是主宰者吗?》、《谁在偷看我们的电脑》、《新龟兔赛跑》等等探索性的演讲主题,一下子就让孩子们兴趣浓厚。 Parents began preparing for this activity in April. The presenting parents had a rehearsal, The others supported by giving suggestions to modify the presentations. They chose the students’ favorite method to settle down the various interesting topics. 'In AI World, are we still the lords?' 'Who is peeking at our computer?" "New story of the hare and the tortoise". They all aroused the students’ interests.
“Do you think the parents are super? Have you ever doubted about it? Can you be your own lord?” A dad was talking about the "From a kid to an owner". These questions were raised. It inspired the students deep-thinking. A“Future CEO”has lots of responsibilities.
有的家长从自身的成长经历告诉孩子们要换位思考,不患得患失。在初夏的时节,孩子们记录着,感受着,享受着成长的快乐。Some parents suggested that the students how to change their points of views according to their own experiences. They were encouraged to not cry over the spilled milk. In the early summer, the students are recording, feeling and enjoying the joy of growing.
在孩子们穿着独特的手绘毕业T恤,即将走出校门的时候,爸爸妈妈们与孩子们分享心声,把温度和期盼传递给孩子们,加深孩子们对于“责任”的理解,让孩子们带着独特的世外气质,从WFL走向更广阔的世界。While wearing the DIY unique graduation T-shirts, going out of the school gate, the parents and the children shared their thoughts. They passed on their warmth and put high expectations on the children. It reinforced the understanding of “responsibility”. The children will have the typical WFL flavor to enbrace the wonderful world out of WFL.
Article Li ke
Photos Wang liwen