最近,双语部师生们参与了历时一个月的“与好书相伴 Literacy Festival”活动。在丰富有趣的阅读节活动中,学生们不但强化了阅读习惯,也享受了阅读的乐趣,可谓收获颇丰。Recently,the Bilingual Section teachers and students have participated in a one-month literacy Festival. During the activity there were many interesting activities. The students not only enhanced their reading habits, but also enjoyed reading. It was a win-win activity.
看!在家里,在书店,在旅行途中,一切地点都是读书的最佳场景。每一位孩子的照片和视频都在一楼大厅的屏幕上滚动放,看到自己的照片,他们别提多高兴了!Reading is the best way to learn! Let's take a look at the students reading. Students are reading at home, at the bookshop, and even during a journey. They are all the best reading scenes. Every student's photo and video are rotated on the screen in the entrance hall. Students are happy to see themselves represented.
我们的“最佳笔记”Book Report活动,让爱好阅读与擅长表达的学生可以尽情展现自我。 Story map、思维导图,各种形式的读书笔记呈现了学生阅读之外的思考与体会。
The Book Report Activity makes the students who love reading express themselves better. Their book reports were presented in a variety of ways. There were story maps, mind maps, and some other ways. The students reflect their thinking and opinions through these ways.
看看我们阅读月的活动是不是够丰富,够精彩?总有一款适合你!每个孩子都能积极参与其中,每一个孩子都能找到展现自己的机会。Isn’t it wonderful and amazing? Choose one for yourself. Every student was an active participant. Everyone had a chance to present themselves and their thoughts.
从班级内的海选,到年级十强的PK,每个年级最终票选出本年级最喜爱的中英文书各一本,产生了2021世外“图书天团”,让我们来一起揭晓榜单。From Year 1 to Year 5, each year level voted for the favorite book. The voting started from the class. Then there is a PK among the top 10. Each year level voted for their favorite Chinese book and English book. It came from the 2021 WFLPS book list. Let’s take a look!
There also was a competition for e-reading and a Scholastic reading test.
The teachers created a nice reading environment for the students. In the classrooms, there are warm and child- friendly reading corners. It provides the students a quiet area for reading.
On the Closing Ceremony of the Literacy Festival,The teachers and students admired the presentations of the best book reports. Some students were awarded certificates for participating in the competetion.
古人说:腹有诗书气自华。喜欢阅读,就等于把生活中寂寞的辰光换成巨大享受的时刻。虽然读书节告一段落,但阅读这条美丽之旅会一直陪伴着孩子们走过每一个春夏秋冬。阅读让学生走向世界,阅读让世界走进学校。There is a saying, “Reading makes people be charming.”Enjoying reading is to provide comfort and joyful moments to students. Though the Literacy Festival is over, the students will be encouraged to keep enjoying reading. Reading leads the students to the world. Reading embraces the world to school life.
撰文:王佳慧Article Wang Jiahui
摄影:王丽雯 Photos Wang Liwen