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        2021年5月31日,世外小学双语部二年级“爸爸的运动鞋”活动如火如荼地展开了。父爱如山,坐在他肩头,我总能看得很远、很远。On May 31st, WFLPS Bilingual Section held the Series of Sunshine Dads-Grade 2 “Dads’Sneakers”. “The love of the dad is just like a huge mountain. We sit on his shoulder and are able to see far far away.”


8:45活动开幕式准时拉开帷幕。张校长致辞,表达对家长的衷心感谢与对孩子的美好期许。At 8:45A.M, Principal Zhang had a speech to express the thanks to the parents and send  best wishes to the children.

活动正式开始,由老师们精心编排的红旗操《精忠报国》为大家热场,建党100周年之际,愿孩子们心怀祖国,奋勇向前。接下来表演的便是孩子们的彩旗操《向前冲!》,歌曲充满活力,彩旗飘扬在“世外蓝”的塑胶操场上,就像一朵朵美丽的烟花在蓝天中绽放。2A班的罗泽楷还为我们带来一场十分精彩的爵士鼓表演《相信自己》,希望爸爸们也能赛出自信、赛出风采!The official activity begins. The teachers design a red flag exercise as a warm up ,"Be Loyal to the Country". This year is the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party. We do hope that the children will be always thinkingabout their country and be brave and march forward. Next, the children presenteda colorful flag display called'Go Ahead!'. The song is full of energy. The colorful flags are floating above the blue WFL playground, just like  beautiful fireworks in the sky. Luo Zekai from 2A played a jazz number called'Believe Yourself' accompanied by the teacher. We hoped the fathers will always be the best!


可爱的篮球宝贝们也与爸爸一起献上了精彩的篮球热身运动,牵着在爸爸的手,就有着满满的安全感。二年级的小朋友们还表演了跆拳道操,向爸爸妈妈们展示一年所学:整齐的队伍、标准的动作、充满力量的呐喊、一脚踢碎四块木片……你们真棒!The basketball players are with their dads to present the warm-up ecercises. They hold the dads’ hands to feel safe. Some Grade 2 students performed Taekwondo to show what they have learned in the pastyear. They lined up properly and didsome standard moves altogether. They shout out and kick the four pieces of wood...They were the best!


“爸爸!你真棒!”赛场上,听着这一声声充满爱的呐喊助威;颁奖时,看着孩子们脸上洋溢着自信的神情,便已知道比赛的输赢早已不重要,重要的是顽强拼搏、不服输的男子气概与那份在成长道路上,“爸爸”的温暖陪伴。Cheers of ”Dad, you are the best!”echoed around the  playground. There are cheers everywhere!!  When presenting the awards, the students’ expressions show their confidence. This is not about winning or losing!The most important thing is about persistance.  All students should grow up believing that they are worthy and can achieve as long as they never give up. A fathers love is very warm.


The Jump ropes and Tugs-of-war are exciting. Dads tried their best to  be eager participants and jump the longest time or be the strongest.


闭幕式临近结束时,老师们与爸爸一起跳舞蹈《大梦想家》,一曲舞毕,老师们带领大家喊出了口号“阳光爸爸伴我同行,阳光爸爸伴我成长,谢谢爸爸给我方向,谢谢爸爸让我坚强”。许多家长都流下了感动的泪水,感谢学校给予机会,让这些腼腆而深沉的父爱有了一次表达的机会。By the end of the Closing Ceremony, people found a big surprise. The teachers and the dads dance "The Big Dreamer" together. After that, the teachers led everyone to call on the  slogan-”Sunshine dads are with me.Accompany me when I grow up. Thanks dad for taking me in the right direction. Thanks dad for making me strong!” Many parents burst into tears at that moment. They would like to thank the school for providing the opportunity for the dads to express their love. 


但非常遗憾的是有位爸爸在比赛中受伤,可是他表现得非常勇敢乐观,成为我们大朋友小朋友心目中的英雄。学校还特意把奖牌送上门,挂到爸爸的脖子上,学校代表小朋友和爸爸妈妈们祝爸爸早日康复!Unfortunately, a father was injured during the match, but he is very brave and optimistic. He is a hero in the children’s heart. The school sent a medal to him. It was hung around the dad’s neck. On behalf of the school and the children and the parents, we hope the father recovers soon.
