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迎着和煦的微风,我们迎来了一年一度的“六一”儿童节。世外小学双语部三年级的学生们在班级里举行了别开生面的六一活动。此次“六一”活动的主题是“亲子共度红色经典,革命精神代代相传”,为“爸爸的书架活动”画上了圆满的句号。The wind was blowing in the breeze. We celebrate Children's Day annually on June 1st. The WFLPS Bilingual Section Year 3 students had the special activity in their classrooms. The theme of the activity is to “Review the classical red journey with the parents and spread the spirit of the revolution”. It is the perfect ending of the “Fathers’ bookshelves” activity.



今年是建党一百周年,五月,爸爸们为孩子们布置了家庭阅读角、班级阅读角,为孩子们精心挑选了红色书籍,并撰写了推荐信,他们与孩子们分享了他们的阅读心得与感悟,字里行间流露出深切的关爱和殷切的期望。每班的热心妈妈把推荐信汇编成册。今天孩子们就收到了这一份期待已久的六一礼物。This year is the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party. In May, Fathers created a reading corner for the children at home and a reading corner in the class. They choose Red Books for the children carefully. They also wrote down a recommendation book list. They shared their afterthoughts and feelings with the children. They showed their love,care and expectations for the children. The Mothers from each class bound the book list to make a handbook. On this day, the children recieved this as a Children’s Day gift.


上午8点半,活动正式拉开帷幕。孩子们为家长代表戴上了鲜艳的红领巾。代表家长现场诵读了红色经典,用他们宽广、深厚的品格与睿智、博学的人文力量深深地感染着孩子们,与孩子们共度诵读时光。At 8:30 a.m., the activity began. The children presented a red scarf to the representatives of the parents. They in turn recited a classic "Red" poem. They impressed the childrenwith their wisdom, knowledge and tolerance.



之后,每位学生诵读了红色书籍中的精彩片段,或舒缓或激烈,或追思或感叹,他们走进了历史,走进了每一个英雄的故事里。最后,学生与家长代表把手中的选票投给了他们心目中的“最美小读者”!随后,每位班主任老师给“最美小读者”、“最美家庭阅读角获得者”颁奖。After that, each student recited some plotsfrom the red books. Sometimes it’s fast, sometimes, it is slow. There was great admiration for their performance. They experienced the history, and every story of the heroes. Finally, the students and the representatives of the parents voted for their favorite “Reader” ! Each class teacher presented awardsfor the “Best Reader” and the “Best Reading Corner at Home”.


因为阅读,所以精彩。因为陪伴,所以成长。希望更多的爸爸参与到孩子的学习生活中,让孩子更健康地成长!Reading is amazing. As we grow up it is helpful to have the support and accompaniment of parents especially the fathers.  We do hope that more and more fathers will be involved in the children’s learning and help their children grow healthily and happily.