撰文:丁懿琼 摄影:王丽雯、陈洪
Article Ding yiqiong Photos Wang liwen Chen hong
“财商课程”是世外小学双语部五年级毕业课程之一,它以经济为主线,以浅显易懂的方式介绍与贸易及市场相关的经济学知识,帮助学生理解大多数国家是怎样在经济上相互依存的。整个课程活动重视对学生品格、道德规范、公众表达的培养,对阅读、写作和数学等能力的学习和提升。”FQ Course” is one of WFLPS Bilingual Section Yr5 graduation topics. It is based on the economy to introduce the trade market and relevant economic knowledge in a simple method to help the students know how the majority countries rely on each other in economy aspect. The whole activity focuses on the students’ morality, rules, how to express themselves, to develop the reading, writing, maths skills and abilities.
图1Yr5 students do it in groups. All of the students are involved in the learning and activity. With the guidance of the teachers, they set up the company, do the brainstorm, create the products, making the commercial plan, do the sales action plan, etc. They haven’t experienced before. It’s not easy to push the program. When they have difficulties, they consult the teachers and the parents. When they have different ideas, they try to convince others and compromise. We believe that the students not only learn the relevant knowledge, but also learn the communication skills during the processing.
5月28日,对整个双语部五年级学生来说是难忘的,因为他们要将创业成果分享给大家。上午,老师及家长评委以及受邀参加活动的四年级学生齐聚体育馆,在简短的开幕仪式后,2021 “WFL小小商业挑战赛”正式拉开序幕。On May 28th, it’s a special day for Yr5 students, because they need to share the result of the career to everyone. In the morning, the teachers and the parents judges and the Yr4 students gathered in the gym. After the short Opening Ceremony, 2021 WFL Commercial Career Competition began.
这次挑战赛的形式是模拟国际贸易展销会,每个展台的产品设计都与各自的模联代表国相关。The form of the competition is like International Trade Market. Each booth presents the design of the items of a rep country.
You can go shopping by using the symbol currency. You can also experience different items...
一起商议、撰写的商业计划书 The commercial plan after discussion.
一起制作产品Making the products together.
一起绘制宣传海报Drawing the posters.
一起制作宣传视频Making the videos.
一起布置展台Displaying the booth.
一起现场销售Doing the live sales.
During the activity, the judges score on the items of each booth. They also give the comments on each booth after the marketing. It makes the students know more about the knowledge of the commercial plan.
为期一个多月的财商课程活动画上圆满句号,相信本次挑战赛让整个五年级的学生们收获满满!说不定,商界未来之星也会从你们之中诞生!让我们一起展望美好未来!The course lasted more than one month. It’s a wonderful ending of it. We believe that the Yr5 students gain a lot through this activity. Maybe someday, one of you will be the future commercial star. Let’s look forward to the beautiful future!