添加滑动效果)What a big world we live in! There are a lot of amazing things in the world. The Bilingual Section Yr2 students presented a creative, natural world for us to explore.
At the Opening Ceremony, the students had a brief introduction where they also asked many interesting questions. They declared that there are places in the world that people can’t help visiting and exploring.
在2A班的小朋友们自编的欢快歌谣中,我们来到了熟悉的亚洲,这里有:中国—鬼斧神工的吉林雾凇、甘肃丝绸之路张掖、马尔代夫荧光海滩与日本的活火山富士山。The 2A students sang joyful songs which they composed. We visited a familiar part of Asia. Here we saw the hoarfrost in Jilin China, the Zhang Ban of the Silk Road of Gansu,the beaches of the Maldives and the volcanic mountain of Mount Fuji in Japan.
2B班的小朋友研究的是北美洲,那里有“极光之都”阿拉斯加费尔班克斯、地球上的神奇乐园“黄石公园”、世界上最大的水晶洞穴“奈卡水晶洞”与世界三大瀑布之一“尼亚加拉”大瀑布。The 2B students researched North America where they discovered “the capital of the Aurora in Alaska Fairbanks, the magic paradise on the earth at “Yellowstone Park”, the world’s largest crystal cave at Naika and one of the world’s three largest waterfalls - Niagara Falls.
“棉花堡里有没有棉花糖呀?” 带着问题,我们走进了2C班的探索欧洲奇观之旅:土耳其棉花堡、冰岛蓝洞、塞尔维亚魔鬼城与北爱尔兰巨人之路。
Is there any cotton candy in the Pamukkale?” We enter the 2C's European visit. THey told us about the Pamukkale in Turkey,the Blue Cave in Iceland, a Serbian Ghost City and the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland.
Wow!There are some children performing African Dances. We hear the melody,and we see the sandy “Sahara Model”. 2D class researched the Ngoro volcano, the East African Rift Valley, the Sahara Desert and Mount Kilimanjaro.
This is not only a science research, but also hands-on activities for the students. It develops social skills, the students speaking ability, and the ability to summarise their findings. We believe that each student has precious memories through collecting information, making models and doing posters. They also learned to promote their areas confidently and improved their ability to ask questions.
撰文:吴玥烨Article Wu yueye
摄影:周锡雷、陈洪Photos Zhou xilei Chen hong