我们运动,我们快乐!We do sports! We have fun!
The Yr5 Annual Orientation event was held as usual. It is a part of the Bilingual Sections' Yr5 Graduation Course. It is also the most favorite and an interesting event for the students.
这个学期,同学们在老师们的指导下进行体能训练、学习理论知识;他们还学习使用指北针、辨别地图上的各种图标;学习跑点及打卡;设计越野纪念牌、学习急救与包扎的知识等等,为这次的活动做好了充足的准备During the semester under the guidance of the teachers, the students exercised a lot. They learned the theory behind the benefits of exercise. They also learned how to use a compass, and read a map using coordinates. They kept a record of their daily running, and designed the badges of particiaption for the orientating event. They learn how to do first aid including bandaging. They were well-prepared for the activity.
热身音乐响起,同学们马上进入活动状态!图10-11After hearing the warm up music, the students prepare to participate.
Let’s take a look at the students running.
At the finish point, Principal Zhang and Principal Lu presented “Graduation Certificates” and “Orientation Badges” to each student. Everyone proudly accepted the awards as they had run and competed hard.
撰文:范海龙 Article Fan Hailong
摄影:王丽雯 、陈洪 Photos Wang Liwen Chen Hong