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Flowers blooming--New Year's Party of Grade2 of local section

In a few days, we will say goodbye to the special 2020, and welcome the 2021 with its hope and challenges. WFLPS Grade2 go through the unusual year hand in hand. We are one year older. Thank you for this year, thank those who helped us.



12月24日上午9时,世外小学境内二年级迎新活动于体育馆准时举行,全体同学化身美丽的花朵争相开放,绽放光彩。虽然今年家长们没能到达现场与孩子们一同感受喜悦,但是学校用直播弥补了这个遗憾,让家长隔屏与孩子们一同感受欢乐。现在,我们一起来回顾这一刻的精彩与感动吧!At 9 o'clock on Dec.24th, WFLPS Grade2 New Year's Party was held in the Gym on time. All the students became beautiful flowers and competed to bloom. Although parents were not able to come to feel the joy with their children this year, the school made up for this with the live broadcast, allowing parents to share the joy with their children from the screen. Now, let's review the wonderful and moving of this moment!



传递祝福,愿幸运能飞到每个人身边。二(1)班虽因隔离没能到达现场,我们用直播与提前录制视频的方式,把美好一个不拉地传递给了每一位同学。隔着屏幕,一班的小花们带来了一曲的《好日子》。伴随着喜庆的音乐,她们整齐的舞蹈和洋溢的笑容装满着对新一年的满满祝福和美好期待。Passing the blessing, wish lucky can fly to each person's side. Class 1 Grade 2 were not at the spot due to the quarantine, we used live and pre-recorded video method to spread the joy to every student. Across the screen, Class 1 Flowers brought a song'Good Day'. Accompanied by festive music, their graceful dances and smiles were filled with full wishes and good expections for the New Year.



是谁一起在那美丽的校园里?是谁在那窗明几净的教室里?又是谁与我一起向上,进步?是我们亲爱的小伙伴。是谁在那充满快乐音符的大操场上?是谁与我一起观察植物、昆虫?又是谁与我一起玩耍?还是我们亲爱的小伙伴。在校园里,我们茁壮成长,我们的故事每天都书写着…Who is in that beautiful campus? Who is in that bright classroom? Who is with me to rise up, progress? It's our little friend. Who is on that big playground full of happy notes? Who is it that watches plants and insects with me? And who plays with me? Still our dear little friend. In the campus, we thrive, our stories are written everyday...


“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。” 每粒粮食都浸满了农民伯伯挥汗如水的辛勤耕耘。花儿们演绎的《经典诵读》,让我们更加体会到午餐“光盘行动”的意义,珍惜粮食从我做起!'Plant at noon, the sweat drops into the soil, who knows the food on the plate, every grain comes hard. Every grain of grain is soaked in farmers' sweat and hardworking. Flowers deductive 'classic recitation', let us more realize the meaning of lunch 'Eating up Action'. Cherish the food starting from ne!


英语是世外标志性的特色,3首流利的《英语儿歌》完美展现了课堂学习的成果,花儿们经受住了这次小小的考验,给你们点赞!English is the symbol of WFLPS. Three fluent 'English Chants' reflect the class learning results. The flowers have tsken this challenge. Thumb up for you.


紧接着,有一群多才多艺的花儿与少年们带来了《乐器联奏》,一起听他们用优美动听的旋律把校园故事娓娓道来……Then there was a group og versatille flowers and teenagers brought the 'Instrument ensemble'. Listen to them with beautiful melody to tell the campus stories...


我们是祖国的太阳,我们是盛开的花朵!我们不仅学习好,我们的身体也很棒,体育运动可难不倒我们。快瞧,一群充满活力的小小运动员带着《篮球秀》来了。We are thr sun of motherland, we are blooming flowers. We not only study well, our body is also very well. Sports can not be difficult for us. Look, here comes a bunch of energetic little players with the 'Basjetball Show'.




We discover that irginally our school life is so rich and colorful. Among them, we cannot do without our beloved teachers and lovely friends. Thank you to the teachers who helped me. They warmed me just like Spring. Thank you to the deatest friends who let me know the value of friendship. We are used to hide the 'Thanksgiving' in our heart. At this moment, we bravely sing the thank you song to you.

《感恩的心》诉说着感恩的故事。有一种美德叫做感恩,拥有感恩之心的人是美丽的。有一种行为叫做感恩,做着感恩之事的人是高尚的。《The Grateful Heart》tells us the story of gratitude.  There is a virtue called gratitude, the one who has the grateful heart is beautiful. There is an action of gratitude, and those who do it are noble.


暖心的英语儿歌《thank you》向所有帮助过我们的父母、老师和同学诉说着一句句thank you,表达心中的感激。English song 'Thank you' to all yhe parents, teachers and classmates who have helprd us , a thank you is a way to express our gratitude.



Every color should bloom, everyone has the right to expect. We use love to build prfect present, 'Best Future'

二年级的老师们也借由改编歌曲《小手拉大手》向同学们表达心中的感谢,愿小手拉大手,一直加油向前走。Grade 2 teachers change the lyrics of 'Big hand with little hand' toexpress the thankful to the students. Wish the little hand together with the big hand keep moving forward.



迎新活动接近尾声,同学们仍是热情高涨。今年新增设“渡河寻宝”游戏,充满了趣味与智慧。通过游戏,我们明白了小伙伴之间的团结互助是最宝贵的,这也是送给所有同学们的一份珍贵的宝藏,希望你们能铭记于心!As the New Year's Party comes to the end, students are still enthusiastic. This year, a new game named 'Cross the river to hunt for the treasure' has been added, which is full of fun and wisdom. Through the game, we understand that the solidarity betwern partners is the most valuable point which is also a precious treasure for all the students. I hope you will keep it in mind.


每个班级中都有这样一些同学。他们在平日里,常常默默地给予身边伙伴以帮助,给他人送去温暖和关心。这一刻,他们被光荣评选为“花儿少年”,接受同学们的感谢。希望所有的花儿与少年们都能向他们看齐,团结友爱,互帮互助,共同进步。There are such students in every class. In daily life, they often help othets without telling to anyone else. They send warm and caring to others. At this moment, they are honored as 'The flower boys' to accept the thanks from the students. I hope all the flowers and young students will learn from them, be caring, help each other, make common progress.



欢乐的时光总是那么短暂,热闹的迎新活动总令人留恋不舍。亲爱的孩子们,请别忘了这一刻的感动,别忘了每天在身旁的小伙伴,你的好朋友们。集体舞《找朋友》传递着美好的愿望,愿我们都能手拉手,心连心,怀揣感恩,美丽绽放,一起奔向充满希望与憧憬的2021年!Happy time always flies fast, fantastic New Year's Party always makes people be unwilling to leave. Dear children, please remember this moment, remember the friens around you, your best friends. Group dancing 'Looking for a friend' passes the best wishes that we can be hand in hand, heart to heart with gratitude, blooming gracefully and run together towards 2021!




Editor: Lu Chun


Photography: Zhou Xi Lei