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I am ten years old--New Year's Party of Grade 3 of Local Section

十年前,169个小生命呱呱坠地,就像天使降临,给一个个家庭带来美好的憧憬和希望。而如今,他们像彩蝶要破茧而出,像雏鹰要展翅高飞。Ten years ago, 169 babies were born just like angels to the world. They brought hopes and wishes to every family. Now, they are like the butterflies.and eagles flying up high in the sky.


On Dec.28th, the Gym of WFLPS  West Campus was full of joy. Grade 3 students held a 'I am ten years old' New Year's Party. We had a happy tenth birthday.


从童年到少年  我们茁壮成长

From child to teenagers, we are growing up.


We know that starting from the day we were born, parents' warm arms are our home, we grow up with 'invisualable wings'




The sunshine in the sky is your love. The waves in the sea is your love, too. The children sing loudly together with the dancing.


WFL的沃土上,孩子们勤奋地学习,努力地锻炼,学道德,学做人,快乐成长。伴随着轻松愉快的乐曲,同学们跳起《快乐舞动》,舞起《青苹果乐园》。In WFL, students work hard, exercise deligently, learn the moral, learn how to be a whole person, grow happily. Witg the relaxing melody, students bring the dancing<Happy Dance> ,<The Green Apples Garden>


听,同学们念着ABC,唱着Do re mi,演绎着那个神奇的i-music

孩子们踏着轻快的步伐,演绎英语歌曲串烧,指尖轻轻触动i pad上的音符,弹奏美妙的音乐。

Listen! Students read ABC, sing DO RE MI, show us the amazing i-music.

Students step on, bring English sons by pointing the notes on the ipad to compose the beautiful music.



在世外两年多的时光里,同学们从童年到少年,一起沐浴着阳光,茁壮成长。情景剧《童年》,仿佛把大家一起带回那个最初的夏天。In the past more than 2 years in WFL, we are from children to teenagers. We enioy the sunshine, grow up healthily. Drama <Childhood> seems to brings us back to that Summer.


就这样,孩子们走过一个个春秋,走过一个个冬夏,终于迎来了他们的十岁生日。The children pass every Spring and Autumn, every Summer and Winter. Now they have their tenth birthday.


从懵懂到感恩 我们互送祝福

From unknown to be thankful, we.exchange wishes


Although this time parents are not able to come to the spot, they only watch TV through online broafcasting, the children know the one who loves them the best is.their parents.


三个班级的家长,纷纷通过视频向孩子们表达了深情的祝福。其中有一位家长由于工作需要身处遥远的新疆克拉玛依,他通过视频表达了作为一名父亲的爱和责任担当。The parents of three classes express their wishes through videos. A parent is working in KELAMAYI in,Xinjiang Province. He as a father expressed his love and obligations through videos.


Every student wrote a letter with love and gratitude. Thiugh the handwriting is not perfect enough, they are thankful for the 10-year bringing up. Every word they wrote is touching to their parents.


今天到明天 我们满怀期望

From today to tomorrow, we are full of expections 

世外小学张悦颖校长推出生日大蛋糕,为孩子们切蛋糕送祝福。张校长希望孩子们感恩父母,感谢老师并对未来充满期望!( 蛋糕)Zhang Yue Ying, the principal of WFLPS bringa the big birthday cake, cutting the cake and sending wishes. Principal Zhang hopes children are thankful to parents, to the teachers and be full of expections to the future.




From babies to teenagers, with the care of parents, with the education of the parents, they grow up healthily. The children are thankful for the 10-year bringing up of the parents. They are thankful for the teachers who lead them to the ocean of the knowledge. Both the children and the teachers cherish today and expect tomorrow, sing a song <Gratitude Heart>


无论是精彩纷呈的歌舞表演,还是插着“十岁”蜡烛的生日蛋糕,亦或是自己亲笔撰写的家书,都凝聚了孩子们的感恩,老师们的祝福和家长们的爱!No matter whether it's the fantastic songs and dances, no matter whether it's the 10th birthday cake with candles, no natter whether it's the DIY letters, they all present the gratitude from the children, the wishes from the teachers and the love from the parents.






Wish my girl's dream is like a horse, persistence is like the wings, hope you never waste time and enjoy the happiness of what you have gained. Persist and go for your future and return with a teenager heart.