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春风再美也比不上你阳光下的微笑Your smile in the sunshine is better than the breeze in the spring


——境内部四年级迎新活动New Year's Party of Grade 4 of Local Section


Listen, the wind blows, We are thankful  and the joyful claps of the children welcome in the new year. The end of 2020 is drawing near. Grade 4 New Year's party 'Smile in the Sunshine' was held in the Gym  at 1pm on Dec.29th.

活动开场,四首英文歌曲点燃了孩子们的活力,四1班的《I have a dream》宛如明亮的星星照耀在场的每一名观众,四2班《ME AND YOU》像柔嫩的绿芽正要破土而出,四3班的《Good time》和四4班的《Be what you wanna be》,孩子们律动而又充满活力的舞蹈,给场上每一位参与者的嘴角挂上笑容。

At the beginning of the party, 4 English songs were sung that represent the energy of the children. 'Ihave a dream' from Class 1 Grade 4  was like the twinkling  stars shining to everyone. 'Me and You' from Class 2 Grade 4 was like the shoots of plants emerging  out of the soil. Dancing "Good time" from Class 3 Grade 4 and "Be what you wanna be" from Class 4 Grade 4 makes everyone happy.

紧接着,四个班级又为大家展现了别具一格的古诗吟诵。四2班的姑娘们犹如初放的桃花,在伞下舞出了《春晓》的意境;四3班的《静夜思》里饱含着游子对故土的思念,姑娘们则将思乡之情寄托在团扇中,书写了一段诗意;四4班,白鹭们灵动的双眸点亮了《渔歌子》中桃花、流水、鳜鱼之美,自是“斜风细雨不须归”;四1班的一首《悯农》,活泼的姑娘们演绎着“粒粒皆辛苦”的千年忠告,悠扬的歌声传递着古人的智慧。Next, the four classese recited some   ancient poems. Class 2 Grade 4 girls looked like peach flowers, dancing under the umbrellas to present 'Dawn in Spring'. Class3 Grade 4's 'Thinking on a Silent Night' represents how we feel homesick away from our homes, families and friends.  The Girls used their fans gracefully. Class 4 Grade 4's 'Fishermen's song' presents the beauty of the peaches, the streams and the fish. It's like 'unwilling to go back in the spring rains'. Class 1 Grade 4's 'Empathy Farmers', showed the hard working of each grain and  the song shows the wisdom of ancient people.

家国情怀寄情于《满江红》,清一色的男孩子们给我们带来了不少惊喜,铿锵有力的声音,炯炯有神的目光传递出了保家卫国的志向与决心。"Red in the river" was a  patriotic representation of the boys to their nation. They surprised us with their  powerful voices and eye contact to express their intentions to protect the country.


四年级的孩子们多才多艺,各个都是乐器的小小演奏家,先是一曲旋律悠扬婉转的小提琴协奏曲《卡农》,大提琴手端坐椅座,缓缓拉动琴弦,小提琴手们随着旋律晃动着身体,美妙的乐符从琴弦飘出,让在场的每一位观众如痴如醉。敲架子鼓的刘皓宸动作潇洒自信,每一个鼓点都敲得恰到好处,整首乐曲听起来动感十足。与此同时,男老师们表演了一段篮球秀,又将演出推向高潮。接着,朱一萌身着飘逸灵动的汉服,端坐在古筝前,为大家演奏《雪山春晓》,瞧她灵巧的手指快速而有节奏地拨动一根根琴弦,真可谓:秦筝吐绝调,玉柱扬清曲,弦依高和断,声随妙指续。徒闻音绕梁,宁知颜如玉。而一旁的陈思宽,和着曲声,挥毫泼墨,写下了一副新春对联:布谷迎春到,牵牛接福来。祝福所有的老师和同学。Grade 4 students are talented. Everyone is an musical instrument player. 'Ka Nong' the violin and the cello cooperate with each other, moving the body with the beautiful melody. It moved everyone. The drumer-Liu haochen is handsome and confident. He plays the drum very well. Meanwhile, the male teachers presented the basketball show. This is the climax of the party. Then Zhu yimeng wears the costume of Han Dynasty. Shee played the Guzheng 'Dawn of the Snow Mountain'. Her fingers played  the strings so quickly. It seems that Guzheng sounds great, the melody makes people feel so good. Chen sikuan wrote the calligraphy of the spring couplets:The new year comes with the cuckoo, the bull brings the luck' Best wishes to all the teachers and students.

阳光下的微笑为感谢师恩,本次迎新征文大赛的一等奖获得者刘浚哲小朋友为大家演讲了获奖征文,说到动情之处,几次差点落泪。让在场的每一位同学都感受到了一个平时看上去大大咧咧的小男孩细腻柔软的内心,最后他感谢了所有教过他的老师,让整场演出更加动情与温暖。而本场幕后也有一名默默付出的小演员——潘重元小朋友,她用钢琴演奏了所有间场曲目,真是了不起!The smile in the sunshine is thankful to the teachers. The first prize winner of New Year Composition-Liu junzhe reads his composition. He bursts into tears when talking about the most touching part. It shows that a boy has a soft heart. At last he thanks all the teachers who taught him before. It makes the speech warm and touching. In the back, there is a little actor-Pan chongyuan. She plays the piano at the break. It is amazing!


四年级的孩子能文还能“舞”,紧接着,一首《大河之舞》,闪亮的服装,稳健的踏地声,帅气利落的动作,展现出了本学期新设的踢踏舞风采;而一曲《我爱米兰》,表演女孩的脸上洋溢着无比甜美动人的笑容,向在场的每一名观众传递了本场活动的主题:感谢师恩。Grade 4 students are not only good at acdamics but also good at dancing. "The River Dance" presents the fancy costumes, stamping and movements. It shows the features of this semester's new tap-dancing. The song "I love Milan', the girl with sweet smile expresses the theme of the party-'Thank you  teachers' was expressed.



The most surprising one is the teachers'rendition of  "You are good looking when you smile". The teachers sing and dance,and show their love for the children, making a heart shape to express the best wishes to all.

压轴大戏,则是街舞《super x》,四3班的活力少年们像一群骄傲的小狮子,挥动着双臂,有节奏地踩着舞步,动感十足,酷炫无比,释放出了属于这个年龄的孩子们最活力的一面,瞬间点燃了全场的热情,大家欢呼着,喝彩着,台上台下热闹非凡,将活动推向了最高潮。最后,全场的孩子们都加入到了舞蹈中,尽情释放自我,释放属于他们的快乐。在飘舞的礼花中,圆满结束了整场的演出!Last but not the least, street dancing "Super X" from Class 3 , Grade 4 shows that the teenagers are like the proud lions, waving arms, stepping upnthe dancing and being super cool. They shows them being  the most energetic. It makes everybody enjoy and be passionate, and cheering them on. The interaction between the dancers and the audience goes really well to reach the climax of the party. Finally all the children are engaged in the dancing,  relaxing, and releasing their happiness. The party has a perfect ending.


瞧,那一双双明亮的眼眸,那一张张自信的脸庞,正准备迎接充满希望与欢乐的2021年!Look at the bright eyes, the confident faces, we are ready to welcome 2021 that is full of hopes and joy!



撰文Article:陈曌婧Chen Zhao Jin

摄影photography:周锡雷Xhou Xi Lei