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安全自护课,来啦! Self-defence class is coming.



这学期,同学们最期待的课程之一——安全自护课,来喽!看同学们的表情就知道又多开心啦!This semester, the students are looking forward to having the lesson--self-defence lesson. It’s coming now. How happy the students are! We can realize it through their expressions.


为什么这门课这么受人欢迎呢?作为储备安全技能,实践自护技巧的新型安全教育课,“安全自护”不仅教我们锻炼身体、熟练技能,更能提醒所有人关注安全防范。Why is the  lesson so popular? In order to master the safety skills and practice the self-defence skills as a safety education course. “Safely self-defence” is not only to exercise our bodies, but also master the skills. It arouses everyone’s awareness of being safe.


近日,我们的老朋友“杨教官”来到三个部门,给同学们教授了新的自护本领。上课伊始,杨教官先带大家复习了SOS的抱头姿势,虽然有一段时间没有见面了,但是同学们可都记得牢牢的呢!瞧,同学们将头部护得牢牢的,让“敌人”没有可乘之机。These days, our old friend--Coach Yanghas the lesson for three sections. He taught the students new skills. At the beginning of the lesson, Coach Yang led the students to review the skills of SOS posture. Though it has been quite a long time no see, the students are still keep it in mind. Look, the students are covering the head carefully to avoid the enemy’s attack.



Do you know how to send the international SOS?


Can you master the proper gesture of holding the head?


Do you know how to protect yourself from getting hurt from the dropping stuff from high sky?


Do you know how to get down on your knees when you are in danger?


Do you know how to slip properly to reduce the harm?



SOS”、“Holding the head”、“sending signal”、“lie on the groundthese basic self-defence gesture, it’s the first time for Yr1 students to learn about it. They all draw attention to the lesson carefully!

愿安全的警钟时刻常鸣在心中,正如杨教官所说:愿这些技巧同学们永远用不到。Hope the alert is always in our mind. Just like what Coach Yang said that he wished all the skills would not be used by any of the students at all.