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“阳光爸爸系列活动”——四年级爸爸的专业 'Sunshine Dads' Activity'--Year 4 Dads' Career


2021525日,世外小学境内部四年级的学生们迎来了期盼已久的“爸爸的专业”讲座。父爱深沉,像一条无声的河流,却直达心底。On May 25th, 2021, the WFLPS Local Section Year 4 students had the 'Dads' Career' information day. Dad's love is like the stream, deep and going to the bottom of the heart.

800活动开幕式准时在体育馆拉开帷幕,张校长热烈欢迎了各位爸爸的莅临,并高度肯定了爸爸们在孩子成长中的重要作用。之后,在小朋友们热烈的掌声中,爸爸们依次走上舞台,分别介绍了自己的专业以及讲座的内容。接着,孩子们上台为爸爸们鲜花,寄上红领巾,送上最动人的鼓励,感谢他们在百忙之中仍然抽出时间精心准备这些讲座。At 8:00, Principal Zhang welcomed the dads warmly  at the Opening Ceremony. She pointed out the importance of fathers while children are growing. The fathers went up to the stage and introduced their careers and the content of their presentations. After that, the children presented flowers and a red scarf to the fathers. They thanked all the dads for preparing their presentations well.

开幕式一结束,孩子们早已兴奋不已,他们拿着入场券和笔记本井然有序地进入相应的教室,准备聆听最感兴趣的讲座。After the Opening Ceremony, the children were excited to enter classrooms with tickets and notebooks. They were ready to listen to the presentations that interested them.

爸爸们的讲座涉猎甚广。看看,这里是《从滴血认亲到曹操身世——无处不在的人体隐形密码》,惊心动魄,别有天地,吸引了不少医学小爱好者。瞧瞧,那里是《看到的不一定是真相》,引人入胜,扣人心弦,小小摄影爱好者们慕名而来。还有《卫星课堂》《人工智能》《地铁建造》《自动驾驶》等这些小科技迷们的最爱,更有《扇子的古往今生》《秦汉中华文明与艺术》等文艺小学者的饕餮……还有法治、建筑、经济、广告等方方面面的主题。真是令人心驰神往,恨不得每一场都听一遍。The fathers' presentations were varied.  One was about "From the blood test to the origin of Cao cao-the invisible human body code". This was attractive to those students interested in medicine  "Seeing is not believing', was about photography and students were very impressed.  Other topics covered included "Satellites", "AI", and " Building Underground". Included also was "Automatic Driving", "The history of the Fan" and "The Art and Civilizaton of Qing and Han Dynasty"  The wide variety of topics also included aspects of law, architecurer, the economy, andadvertising. All were worth attending.

爸爸们的讲座虽然主题各不相同,但都极具专业性,同时也传递着对孩子们浓浓的爱,相信这次活动能为孩子们树立远大的职业梦想。Although the lectures were different, they were all presented professionally. It also expressed  love to the children. We believed that the children can dream and consder their future careers through this activity.




撰稿:陈曌婧Article Chen zhaojing

摄影:周锡雷Photos Zhou xilei