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“我型我秀” My style, My show


——境内部一、二年级才艺展示活动Local Section Yr1 and Yr2 Talent Show

金桂飘香的十月校园,充满了诗意与芬芳。当诗意的校园与浪漫的艺术碰撞,更是增添了意韵与灵动。In October, the school campus is full of poems and flavor. The romantic art increases the charming of the campus.

为了丰富校园文化氛围,激发学生艺术热情,发掘学生的艺术闪光点,我校举办了一、二年级“我型我秀”才艺展示活动。本次活动为孩子们搭建了展现自我,张扬个性的艺术舞台。The school held “Yr1 and Yr2 My Style, My show Talent Show”activity to create the culture atomosphere in the campus and stimulate the passion of the students and discover the students‘ talents. The activity provides the students a personal stage to show themselves.’

为期两周的才艺展示活动,如火如荼的展开。一、二年级的萌娃们报名热情十分高涨,表演种类也是非常丰富。有乐器类、声乐类、语言类、舞蹈类等各式各样的才艺项目。小演员们精心准备,服装道具一应俱全。舞台上出色的表演,迎来了台下观们一阵阵热烈的掌声。The activity has lasted for two weeks. Yr1 and Yr2 students participated in it actively. There are various performances, such as musical instrument, vocal, linguistic, dancing etc. The actors and the actresses prepared well. The costumes and the props are well-organized. The amazing performance got the big round of applause.

下面就让我们一起来看一看活动的精彩瞬间吧。Let‘s take a look at the wonderful moments.



活动的顺利开展离不开学校与班主任老师们的帮助与支持。With the help and the support of the class teachers, the activity went smoothly.

我们来看看萌娃们获奖的大笑脸(部分获奖选手照片)Let‘s take a look at the smiling face of the winners.’


The lovely kids are grown up. Our hearts will go on. The future is expecting.

撰文Article 杨春彤Yang chuntong

摄影 Photo张瑶 Zhang yao杨春彤Yang chuntong