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迎建党百年 争做新时代好少年


迎建党百年 争做新时代好少年Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, be the teenager of the new age

——上海市世界外国语小学2020学年第二学期开学典礼Opening Ceremony of 2nd Semester of 2020 of WFLPS


寻辛丑年味,原地过年精彩多Find the flavor of the year of the ox, and celebrate the new year.


This year many students stayed in Shanghai to celebrate the Chinese New Year. During the winter vacation, though some students couldn’t go back to their hometown to meet their family members or travel around, people read at home, wrote Spring couplets, made dumplings, and prepared a big family dinner. It was fun. Various activities make the New Year amazing!


迎建党百年,做新时代好少年Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, be the teenager of the new age


作为新时代好少年,祖国未来的接班人,同学们唯有铭记历史、不忘初心,才能告慰先烈,一往无前。This year is the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party. WFLPS students were exposed to the Four eras, that make up the 100-year history. It's not easy to have the current happy life. It's the result of the Communist Party members' hardwork and dedication. As the teenagers of the new age, they are the owners of the future of their mother country. The students must remember the history and never forget their origins. In doing so, we will keep up the good work and keep moving forward.


锁定目标,向着目标努力前行。世外学子在每一个成长的舞台上展示自己。来自双语部五B班的杨佳鑫被评选为“徐汇区新时代好少年”,他发表了演讲“少年强,则国强——做一名合格的新时代好少年”。We need to set goals and keep moving in order to achieve the goal. WFLPS students show themselves on the stage while growing up. Yang jiaxin from 5B  Class of Bilingual Section won the prize of the ‘Xuhui teenager of the new age' He made a speech about  being a ‘Strong Teenager, Strong Country'--be a qualified teenager of the new age'

双语部四年级A班的一个小队在这次假期中走进中华艺术宫,在专业老师的讲解下,探究中国近代重大历史背后的故事。让我们来看看他们的收获。A group of students of 4A Class of the bilingual Section went to the Chinese Art Palace. With the guidance of a professional teacher, they learned about the history of China. Let's take a look at what they learned.

融合部四年级学生陈梓宜Nicole 结合融合部十大培养目标之“均衡发展”,结合当下,畅谈怎样做一名全面发展的新时代好少年。Nicole from Year 4 of PYP Section would like to say something about how to be balanced. This is one of the Learner profiles that are the focus of our department.



在寒假期间,同学们还积极响应“未来媒体人”活动,大家纷纷从“聚焦国货”、“变废为宝”、“近视防控”三方面拍摄了自己的作品,在开学典礼上进行了展示和交流。During the winter vacation, the students did many activities. They advocated 'Future Media People' , 'Focus on the National Products', and 'Turn the trash to the treasure'. They also focused on how to take care of their eye sight They shared their videos at the Opening Ceremory.



Learn , take Advice, write reflections, and let the red scarf be brighter!

我们少先队的领导者和组织者就是中国共产党。党十分关心我们少先队员的成长,在寒假期间还给每位少先队员送了一份“新年礼物”。这份“礼物”就是一份意义重大的文件——《中共中央关于全面加强新时代少先队工作的意见》,简称《意见》。同学们寒假里认真学习,撰写感受. The Chinese Communist Party is the leader and the organizer of young pioneers. The Party cares about the growth of the young pioneers. During the winter vacation, the young pioneers were given a 'New Year Present', which is a meaningful document--'Chinese Government's advice to reinforce the young pioneers of the new age', the short term is 'Advice'. The students learnt about it during the winter vacation and wrote their reflections.

学习了《意见》之后,中队辅导员和队员们还创编了一个小节目,让我们一起欣赏吧!After learning the 'Advice', the guides and the pioneers made a show. Let's take a look at it!


世外学子们接过校长赠送的一盆花,传递来自学校的爱心,精心呵护这盆花,使其茁壮成长。WFLPS students recieved flowers from the principal, which represents the love from the school. We want the students to take good care of the flowers and let it grow healthily.

世外小学张悦颖校长致辞,勉励同学们“不仅要有目标,还要有行动力”,立足当下,努力奋斗。Zhang Yueying, the principal of WFLPS gave us a speech, which encouraged the students to not only have goals, but also take actions,and be diligent.



A New termbrings new challenges. At the time of the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, WFLPS students keeping moving towards theie goals and continue on another part of their journey!


撰文Article 孙菁华Sun jinghua

图片提供 Photo胡雪缘 Hu Xueyuan吴慧莹Wu Huiying 严知愔Yan Zhiyin