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缛彩遥分地,繁光远缀天 ——世外学子闹元宵





Spring comes with firecrackers, the Lantern Festival comes with the sound of drums.

We strike the clock of spring with our hands.

We gather around ike the moon.




民间自古有“正月十五闹元宵”之俗,各种丰富多彩的庆祝活动,使元宵节成为“年”的高潮。今晚,天上明月高悬,地上彩灯万盏,人们观灯、赏月,其乐融融。为了更加渲染节日气氛,世外小学也举办了丰富多彩的元宵活动。Since ancient times, we have had the “Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the Lunar Calendar”. There are various activities we do to celebrate. The Lantern Festival is the climax of the new year. Tonight, the moon is up high in the sky and there are all kinds of lanterns hanging up. People admire the  lanterns and the moon. WFLPS celebrated the Lantern Festival with various activities.


一年级学习撕窗花的技巧,用巧手撕出美丽的窗花,布置在教室里,走廊里,营造出浓浓的节日氛围。Year 1 learned how to dotraditional paper cutting. They made window paper cuts and displayed them in the classroom and corridors. It createda festival flavor.

灯谜是我国特有的一种雅俗共赏、民间风格浓郁的文字联想游戏。启迪思维、陶冶情操、增长知识,历来深受喜爱。二年级充满奇思妙想,他们利用寒假时光准备有趣的灯谜,从灯谜中感受元宵节这一传统节日的趣味,通过画笔描绘五彩缤纷的小灯笼,再写上灯谜,还分享给一年级的弟弟妹妹,看谁猜中的灯谜多。Lantern Riddle Games are Chinese traditional customs.It inspires  thinking skills, expandsstudents' knowledge, and makes it more popular. Year 2 students are creative thinkers. They prepare interesting riddles during the winter vacation. People are immersed in the the traditional Festival through the lantern riddles. People use the colored pens to draw on the little lanterns and write the riddles on them. Year 2 students also shared with Year 1 students to see who gets the most correct answers.

 三年级利用环保材料制作DIY小灯笼,精巧的手艺令人赞叹,楼道里挂满了孩子们制作的灯笼,还将制作的全过程记录下来,在班会课上于同学们交流做灯笼的技巧。灯笼最后还进行了交换,将祝福相互传递。Year 3 students use the recycle materials to make DIY Lanterns. It’s very impressive. The lanterns are hung up in the corridor. People take videos of the DIY processing and share the skills with others in the class. At last, people exchange the lanterns and express the best wishes to each other.

历朝历代的文人墨客歌之咏之,留下了许多脍炙人口的元宵佳作,至今读来依然唇齿留香,趣味无穷。双语部四年级学生用手中的笔配上具有传统元素的卡纸写写诗词,走进诗词。 Ancient poets liked to make poems about the Lantern Festival. It still continues even today. Year 4 students from Bilingual Section used pens and the cards to write the poems.


境内部四年级的学生用毛笔写写“福”字,装点家中和校园里的节日氛围。“福”可得倒过来贴,这是为什么呢?快去问问家中的长辈吧!Year 4 students of Local Section wrote “Fu”with the Chinese brush to decorate their homes and the school campus. “Fu”can be pasted upside down. Why? Please ask your family members about the reason.



Year 5 students are thinkers. They have different personalities. The Chinese couplets are full of their expectations for the new semester and the future. When we hang up the red couplets, the festival flavor is in the air.


在融合部,来自世界各地的孩子们团聚在一起共庆元宵佳节。融合部老师利用电视台直播形式进行集会。In the PYP Section, the students are from all over the world and gather together to celebrate the Lantern Festival. PYP teachers have an assembly shared through TV live broadcasting.


一年级的学生介绍元宵节的来历。据说古时候元宵赏灯是人们为了减少虫害,就会在某一天夜里在田野里,手拿火把驱赶虫兽,祈祷庄家能有好的收成,而这一天正好是农历正月十五,因为正月叫做元月,古人又把夜晚称为宵,所以每年正月就叫做“元宵节”。Year 1 students introduced the origin of the Lantern Festival. It says that the purpose of the ancient Lantern Festival is to reduce insect pests. People hold a torch in the field at night to drive away the bad insects. People pray for a good harvest. That day is the 15th day of Lunar Calendar. Because the first month of the Lunar Calendar is called “Yuan”month, ancient people called the night as “Xiao”, So that’s why people call it Lantern Festival.


二年级的孩子们学做元宵,三年级的孩子介绍元宵节的来历,四年级的孩子们亲手制作花灯。Year 2 students learned how to make the dumplings. Year 3 students introduce the source of the Lantern Festival. Year 4 students made DIY Lanterns.


The lower year level students admired the lanterns and the couplets, and played the riddle games with the guidance of the teachers in the corridor. The answer to the riddles made by Year 5 students.






Spring has begun, we are done

Best wishes to WFL in 2021.

We wish all the WFL teachers a happy new year!

Good luck to all WFL students!
