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致敬雷锋精神 致敬每一个发光的你




The spring breeze blowing gently and warming everyone’s heart in March has a name, “Lei Feng”.The connotation of the era of Lei Fengs spirit can be summed up in two phrases: “keeping up”and “be kind”.The Lei Feng spirit embodies a positive attitude towards life and the value of kindness.On March 5th,students learned about Lei Feng. Let’s look for the ‘Lei Feng”and “Lei Feng Spirit”aournd us in the WFL campus.

境内部Local Section

一年级Year 1:寻找身边小雷锋——争做好榜样Looking for the little Lei Feng--set a good example

一年级的学生模仿力强,喜欢向榜样学习。他们在了解雷锋事迹的基础上,立足自身的小岗位,从身边的小事做起,体验服务他人的快乐。活动前,一年级每位同学在班主任处领取一份小粘纸,利用课余时间发掘身边的“小雷锋”,为其贴上粘纸。班会课上,一年级的同学们对一天的“寻找身边小雷锋”进行交流,展开讨论,锻炼表达能力,学习榜样。Year 1 students are good at imitating. They like learning from the examples. On the basis of understanding Lei Feng’s story, we did good deeds around us and brought happiness to others. Before the activity, Year 1 students got a sticker from the class teacher, and looked for the “little Lei Feng”during recess. They then put the sticker on a person displaying the spirit of positivity and kindness. In the class, Year 1 students  discussed the topic of “looking for the little Lei Feng around you". They were able to express their ideas and learn from  examples.They learned to sing Lei Feng’s theme songs.

    二年级Year 2:歌声朗朗颂雷锋——学唱雷锋歌曲Sing the song of Lei Feng--learn how to sing a Lei Feng song

二年级的学生活泼好动、聪明伶俐,在了解雷锋事迹的基础上,他们学唱雷锋主题歌曲。午会课上,各班举行“小小赛歌会”,让“小歌唱家”们现场教学小伙伴们,大家在朗朗的歌声中学习雷锋精神,歌颂雷锋事迹。Year 2 students are active and smart.Many students knew about about Lei Feng and his story, so they learned to sing Lei Feng songs. At noon, each class had a “Song Competition”. The little singers teach others how to sing the song. They sing the Lei Feng song together and spread his spirit widely.

    三年级Year 3:争做做雷锋少年——观看影像资料Be a teenager just like Lei Feng--watch videos

三年级的学生勤于思考、乐于表达,午会课上组织学生观看雷锋影像资料,通过雷锋的日常事迹中感受他助人为乐、勤俭节约、全心全意为人民服务的崇高品质,并结合自身事迹谈谈机会。Year 3 students are thinkers, eager to express themselves. At noon, the students watched the Lei Feng videos. They learned about the Lei Feng’s daily life. He is always ready to help others, and served the public all the time. The students share their thoughts with each other.

    四年级Year 4:读好书做好人——讲雷锋故事,读《雷锋日记》Read good books and be a good man--tell Lei Feng story <Lei Feng Diary>

四年级的学生有一定的文学积累,鼓励他们在班级通过讲故事、朗诵比赛等形式学习《雷锋日记》。Year 4 students have accumulated a certain amount of literacy. They are encouraged to tell Lei Feng stories and poems to learn more about Lei Feng

    五年级Year 5:雷锋精神口口传 ——“雷锋精神在当下过时了吗”辩论赛Oral transmission of the spirit of Lei Feng—“Is the spirit of Lei Feng out of date now?”Debate

五年级的学生乐于表达、有自己的个性,午会课上举行“雷锋精神在当下过时了吗”辩论赛,让孩子们在紧张有趣的辩论中体会雷锋精神的现实意义,学会在当下从一点一滴的小事中践行雷锋精神。Year 5 students were eager to express themselves and exert their own personalities. At noon, the students had a debate about “Is the spirit of Lei Feng spirit out of date now? ”The students learn about the true meaning of the Lei Feng spirit through the debate. They concluded that we should implement the Lei Feng Spirit through every deed in our daily life.


太阳广播台号召大家一起学雷锋,争做新时代好少年!The broadcasting calls on everyone to learn from Lei Feng and  be a good teenager in the new era.


双语部Blilingual Section

双语部的各年级学雷锋常规活动继续,除此之外,今年大队部大队委员们自发倡议组织开展中高年级大帮小、美化校园行动,将雷锋精神落到实处。 三年级去帮助一年级弟弟妹妹整理后柜书桌,教他们如何合理摆放。The Bilingual Section continues learning from Lei Feng. Besides that, the 3-stripe captains of the Young Pioneer Section advocate the high grade students to help the lower grade students to make the campus be more beautiful. They take action  that they have learned from Lei Feng's spirit. The Year 3 students helped the Year 1 students clean up the desks and cupboards, and taught them how to organize their property properly.


四五年级同学包干校园东西南北区域,帮助阿姨后勤打扫校园;大队长还带领队员们去老师办公室打扫卫生,还自己设计了评价表,非常用心,体现了少先队员的主动性,责任感!The Year 4 and 5 students have certain cleaning up areas of the school campus. They helped the corridor cleaners clean the campus.The 3-stripe captains and the young pioneers went to the teachers’office to do some cleaning. They designed a feedback sheet advocating to  be active and be responsible.


融合部PYP Section

融合部的学生们利用中午时间进行线上集会,每班代表讲述了自己身边的“雷锋故事”。The PYP students had an on-line assembly at noon. A representitive from each class talked about different aspects of the Lei Fent story '


每天都保持的。融合部按照年级进行不同的活动任务。It’s not just one-day issue  of learning from Lei Feng,  the spirit should  last forever.The  PYP Section had different activities in each grade.


Year 1 students helped family members fold the clothes and to do some housework.



Year 2 students helped the family sort out the rubbish and take it away.



Year 3 students mopped the floor at home and did some cleaning.




Year 4 students went into the kitchen and washed vegetables for the family.


五年级的学生们更是走出校园走向社会,交流分享自己帮助他人的故事Year 5 students went out of the school campus and shared the story of helping others.




求与执着。 The Lei Feng spirit has a value of “Being kind”. Human beings can be  kind in many ways.  Lei Feng loves the Communist Party, loves the country, loves the people, loves others and be dedicated . In his short life, he always interpreted the pursuit of “goodness”with happiness and gratitude.