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    跟随着春天的脚步,我们又迎来了一年一度的“植树节”。世外小学举行了丰富多彩的植树节主题活动,创新形式灵活开展植树活动,把绿色种在春天,也把美丽中国的愿望种在孩子们的心里。Spring is drawing near. We have a yearly 'Planting Festival' where WFLPS  students  be creative , bring plants and plant seeds to increase awareness of the importance of plants in our lives.  We want to make China Beautiful and alllow the students to know how to care for plants.

世外小学历来有“一盆花”的传统——开学初,校长将“一盆花”赠予各个班级,传递师生间的情谊。植树节来临之际,学生们也带来“一盆花”,装点美丽的校园和班级。为了帮助同学们养护好“一盘花”,上周三的班会课上,低年级举行了“养好一盆花”的主题班会。同学们认真观看大队部录制的微课,学习选花秘诀,养花知识,班主任老师讲解花朵养护的注意事项。“一盆花”活动旨在鼓励学生感受对生命的珍贵,增强责任心。为了激励大家的用心,学校还设立了“护花使者”荣誉,每学期末会根据大家的养花成果进行评选。WFLPS has a  tradition of 'bringing a pot of flowers'. At the beginning of the semester, the principal gives each class a pot of flowers to express their caring. The  'Planting Festival' is ust around the corner. The students bring flowers to decorate the school campus. Last Wednesday,  the lower year level students  had a lesson on  how to look after the flowers. They watched a  video carefully to learn how to choose the flowers and gain some knowledge about flowers. The teachers gave them tips to help care for and look after flowers. The purpose of the activity is to encourage the students to be responsible and cherish living things. The school also sets up a prize of 'Best Flower Carer'. At the end of the semester, students will vote for the best one.

今天,一二年级的同学们激动地将“一盘花”摆放在小花园里。“我带的是仙客来,花朵很美丽,也很好养。”“我带的是绿萝,生命力非常旺盛”……同学们你一言,我一语地交流着。小花园经过一番装饰以后焕发了生机,引来路过的师生驻足观看。Today, Year 1 and 2 students displayed the pots of flowers in the little garden in the campus. ' I brought Xiankelai. It is beautiful and is easy to take care of',  ' I brought Lvluo. It can live for quite a long time'....The students shared their thoughts. The little garden looks wonderful. Teachers and students stop to admire the garden when they pass by.

高年级则在植树节开展了“我的环保金点子”征集活动,同学们开动脑筋,想出了300多个“金点子”。如“推广普及可食用筷子”、“制作方便老人使用的自动垃圾分类箱”、“用废旧纸张制作的工艺品”等,脑洞清奇,创意十足。The higher year level classes have an  activity about environmental protection. The students work out more than 300 good ideas, for example, 'promote eatable chopsticks' 'Make the simple garbage sorting boxes for the olds' 'DIY hand craft using second-hand paper'. They are  so creative.

此外,同学们还组成雏鹰假日小队,自觉认领树木进行种植。两年前,四(1)中队的“护绿小分队”在上海植物园认养了市花——白玉兰,前几天傅泓博、戴欣颐等6名队员特地去看望。经过两年的风吹雨打,花骨朵含苞待放,让人感受到玉兰“刻玉玲珑,吹兰芬馥”的美丽。还有一些不能亲子种树的队员,则通过日常低碳出行,通过线上平台参加“蚂蚁森林”等公益种树活动。In addition, the students organized a tiny eagle team where they plant trees. Two years ago, Class 1 Grade 4 had a 'green protection team'. They planted the city flower--Magnolia Flowers in the Shanghai Botanic Garden. Several days ago, Fuhongbo, Daixinyi and other 4 pioneer members went to visit the trees. The flowers are blooming and show the beauty of the Magnolia flowers. Others pioneer members investigated many topics online  like the ' Ant Forest' and low carbon actions , including public transportation.


一草一木皆春色,一举一动见品行。让我们共同努力,让山川更绿,家园更美。(撰稿:胡雪缘 摄影:周锡雷)Spring is full of green. Actions speak louder than words. Let's work together to make our homes and campus more and more beautiful. Article Huxueyuan