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An official "thumbs up"  for “330 after school service”


Besides finishing homework at school,students can also take part in some interesting activities......WFLPS implements the “330 after school service”which starts from 3:30p.m.


学校每周有四天的时间安排“330”活动。分别有语数英老师加一位技艺老师负责每天的课后服务活动。学科老师除了每天看护学生做功课之外,还有一天是开展特色技艺学科课程。如趣味绘画、舞动精灵、灌篮高手、科学实验、服装设计等等。The school has 4-day “3.30”activities. The Mandarin, Math, English and Specialist teachers are in charge of the after school activities. Besides supervising the students finishing the homework, there is a certain one day for the specialist teachers, such as drawing, dancing, basketball, science experiments, fashion design etc.

那么这半个多小时的时间里,世外学子们又是如何度过的呢,让我们来探一探。Within about 30 minutes, how do the WFLPS students spend their time? Let’s take a look at it.



家长们也纷纷表示要为世外小学“330课后服务”这项民心工程点赞。孩子不仅在学校完成了作业,还能学到各种艺术、体育和科技知识,而且全是免费服务。Parents showed "thumbs up" for WFLPS “330 after school service”. The students not only finish the homework at school, but also learn all kinds of Art, PE and Science. They are all free of charge.

“文武之道,一张一弛”。学习是孩子的主业,老师在课后服务时间里看管学生写作业,被家长们戏称为“官方带娃”。老师们的专业带娃,让家长们既省力又放心。活动课程更是让学生玩中学,学中乐,乐中获,丰富自身成长经历,发展个性特长。”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Studying is the main job of the students. The teachers supervise the students to finish homework during the after school service time. Parents call it “Official- taking care of kids”. The teachers are professional. The parents are at ease. The activities make the students learn through playing,and enjoying learning. It enriches their own growth, gives them different experiences and develops their personal strengths.



孙菁华 图文Article and Photos Sophia