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Children’s Play of WFLPS Young Pioneers learning the history of Chinese Communist Party

在中国共产党百年华诞之际,世外小学大队部组织少先队员们开展了“迎建党百年 争做新时代好少年”系列活动,少先队员们认真参与,不断成长。It’s the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party. The WFLPS Young Pioneer Group organized the young pioneers to “Celebrating the 100th  Anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, and be a good teenager of the new era.” The young pioneers participated in the activity actively and grew rapidly.”

48日下午,《光辉的记忆》红色儿童剧在世外小学体育馆拉来帷幕,世外小学三年级的少先队员们济济一堂,认真观摩。该剧由中福会儿童艺术剧院的老师们为迎接建党百年精心创作。演出方式生动活泼,用孩子们最容易接受的儿童剧方式,让当代少先队员了解中国共产党一路走来的沧桑与艰辛,了解那一段充满血泪、炮火与牺牲,同时也是充满探索、改革与奋进的历史,深入学习先进的革命主义精神和无数仁人志士锐意进取的优良品质。 On the afternoon of April 8th, the children’s play "Glorious Memory" was held in the gym at WFLPS. Yr 3 students gathered together to observe the play. It was composed by the teachers of Children’s Art Theatre. The form is vivid. It caters to the Children’s needs. It let the young pioneers know more about the history of Chinese Communist Party which was full of blood, tears, fire and sacrifice. Meanwhile, it was also full of exploring, reforming and hardworking. People learned more about the advanced revolutionary spirit and the high expectations in moving forward.


少先队员们追忆发生在革命时代的各种爱国故事。不同于背书式的说教,舞台剧的表演形式和沉浸式的互动体验,把革命奋斗史与新时代爱国主义教育全部结合在剧情中,让观看的队员们充分理解剧目所表达的内容。看到解放军战士为了红旗不倒而献出生命时,队员们热泪盈眶;看到地下少先队为了完成秘密任务开动脑筋时,队员们屏气凝神;看到新时代少先队员为老一辈少先队献上红领巾时,队员们默默抚摸着胸前的红领巾。"Glorious Memory" tells us a story through different scenes. It guides the young pioneers to recount the patriotic stories of the revolution age through different perspectives. It is different from reciting text. The form of the play is more interactive. It combines the history of the revolution and  patriotic education together to let the audience fully understand the contents. While watching the scene of the soldier sacrificing his life to guard the red flag, the young pioneers burst into tears. While watching the special agency  of the young pioneers having the brain storm in order to complete the secret mission, the young pioneers hold their breath. While watching the new era young pioneers who are presenting the red scarf to the old, the young pioneers touch the red scarf on their chest gently.

红色剧目的观摩引导启发队员们对于爱国爱党的思考,有队员表示:“我感到胸前的红领巾更加鲜艳了!我一定会将感动化为动力,为了梦想不断奋斗!”据悉,队员们还将通过观后感记录下观摩感受,让红色基因代代相传。It stimulates the motivation of the young pioneers to think about loving their country and loving the Party through watching the play. Some pioneers say,”I feel that the red scarf is brighter. I will definitely change my motivation, and work hard to achieve my dreams!” The pioneers will record the afterthoughts of observation and let the red spirit spread generation by generation.

“迎建党百年 争做新时代好少年”系列活动本学期正在如火如荼地开展中,队员们在红色寻访的足迹下,感受到党百年奋斗的光辉业绩;在红色经典阅读里,品味到红色信仰的精神力量;在文化作品的创作中,体验到向历史致敬的幸福感。”大队部结合建党100周年重要时机,用适合教育儿童的教育形式,把党在百年历史中锻造的红色精神传递给少先队员们。 “Celebrating the 100tH Anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, and be a good teenager of the new era.” activities are in progress this semester. The young pioneers follow the red steps, and admire the achievements of Chinese Communist Party. They recognize the power of the red spirit through reading. They experience the happiness of showing respect to the history through creating cultural understanding.  The Young Pioneer Group take the opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party. They want to spread the Spirit of the country to the young pioneers through the proper form of educating the children.