在劳动节来临之际,世外小学为了迎接五一劳动节,锻炼学生的动手能力,于4月28日举行了“我是劳动小能手”技能比赛。Labor Day is coming, and at WFLPS our students practice their life skills. On April.28th, they held a “I am the Life Skill's Master”Competition.
一大早,全校师生齐聚大操场,进行“预热赛”——系鞋带、系领巾。简短的开幕式后,伴随着动感的音乐,同学们首先开始了“系鞋带”的比拼。鞋带在同学们手中乖巧地缠绕、打圈,不一会儿一个漂亮的蝴蝶结就打好了。完成的同学火速起身,向老师们展示成果。不过,也有些同学不小心打了死结,看到一个个起身的同学,急得满头大汗。令人暖心的是,身边很多小伙伴热情地伸出“援助之手”,大家互相帮助完成了挑战。系领巾是同学们已经掌握的本领,这次比赛对于速度和美观程度提出了要求,系好以后同学们之间互相检查,通过同伴评价再次提升了技能。In the morning, the studetns and the teachers gathered at the playground to have a warm by tying the red scarf and the shoelaces. After a simple Opening Ceremony, the music started The first competition was about tying their shoelaces. The shoelace had to cross through the holes and finish with a tidy bowknot. The one who finished first raised his hand immediately and presented the shoe to the judges. Some studentss couldn't work it out. When seeing that others had already completed the mission, they felt under real pressure.Another basic skill for the students to mater is the tying of their red scarves. There is a high requirement that it is tied quickly and looks good. After finishing this task, the students checked each other’s work. Their peers assessed this skill.
班会课上,各年级开展了不同主题的技能比赛。一年级小朋友叠放校服,比一比谁在规定的时间里叠得又快又好。将校服叠放整齐以后,同学们又马不停蹄地整理桌肚、后柜,将物品收纳得又快又好。In the classrooms, each year level had a different theme-based skill competition. Yr1 students were busy folding the school unniforms within a certain time. After doing that, they hurried to tidy up the desks and cupboards to make everything neat and tidy.
二年级的比赛内容是叠跆拳道服,因为二年级每周都有跆拳道课,上课的服装想要叠好可不容易,同学们在老师的指导下勤加练习。班会课上,以年级集会的形式进行比赛,每班推荐5名初赛获胜的小能手进行PK,场面热闹非凡。在2分钟内,选手们变完成了任务,有的衣服被叠得像刚拆包的一样,十分整齐。Yr2 had the Taekwondo Suit folding competition. Yr2 has Taekwondo lesson every week. It’s not easy to fold the suit properly. The students practied a lot under the guidence of the teachers. They has a grade competition where 5 reps from each class competed against each other. Within 2 minutes, the students finished the task. Some suits are just like the new ones, neat and tidy.
Yr3 studentss had a wrapping books competition. They turned the wrapping paper,folded it properly, and cut it smoothly. Very soon, the books had the “new clothes”. Students efforts were applauded greatly.
Yr4 girls combed their hair and made pony tails. Yr4 boys cleaned up the cupboards at the back. When the bell rang, the girls combed their hair quickly and made the pony tails rapidly. The boys cleaned up their cupboards within 1 minute. They tidied up the books, water bottles and the stationery to ensure everything is well-organized.
Yr5 students cleaned up the desks and chairs to leave a nice souvenir for the younger students. They brought their own tools to do the cleaning. They were super busy cleaning the classrooms. That’s a very special present for the school before the graduation.
据悉,赛前每位班主任都对同学们的劳动技能进行了充分的指导,并且在校期间进行为期两周的练习,同时在家认真复习,提前一周进行班级海选。Before the competition, homeroom teachers had already guided the students in learning how to master the life skills. They had practied for two weeks. They also reviewed it at home and had the first round competition in class.
融合部集合部门特点,各班级深入开展各种劳动活动,倡导学生自己动手,在校打扫教室,在家学会整理书包,整理书桌,养成收纳衣物的好习惯。The PYP Section organized the students to do some cleaning. We advocated the studentss to do more hands-on housework. They cleaned the classrooms,packed school bags and cleaned desks. At home they learned how to fold the clothes and developed other good habits.
4月30日下午,融合部的教室里开始忙碌起来,同学们自己当家做主人。在确保安全的情况下,学生需要自己将自己的教室打扫干净。除了地面、桌面和白板要干净,教室里的柜橱、衣架、图书区域等各种犄角旮旯也不容忽视。On the afternoon of April 30th, the PYP students were busy. They cleaned up the classroom by themselves. They were busy cleaning the floor the floor, the desks,and the cupboards. They picked up rubbish, and tidied the clothes stands and reading corners as well as other areas in the class.
除了学校的午间劳动,除了学校每日的午间劳动,回到家里也要进行一定的劳动。这些技能都是每位学生每天必须要做,必须学会以及承担的。Besides the cleaning up at noon the students did some housework at home. These are many basic life skills tthat every student must learn and take on the responsibility for.
同时,学生们也运用一些学习方法将劳动任务进行反思,看看如何提高劳动效率,因此,每个年级还有学习任务单一张。The students reflected on their learning, thinking about how to be more efficient. Each year level had a task sheet.
如低年级是以整理书包为主题,以思维导图的形式设计整理书包要领图。高年级则是整理小书桌和衣柜,学会简单的收纳技巧。For example, the lower year levels focused on the packing the schoolbag neatly. The students designed a mind map of the process. The higher year levels students focused on how to clean the desks and the cupboards.
Yr6 students had a “Career”during Labor Day. Labor day is to recognise all the labors in the world. The students developed empathy through experiencing each position at school. It is helpful to let the students realize how hard and tough it is to do the cleaning. They should cherish the results and respect the cleaners. The students should be grateful to all of the teachers and cleaners, guards, drivers and family members, and their housemaids.
We hope that the students learned the importance of Labor on this special day. Thet need to to master certain life skills and help with the housework at home and in the school. Meanwhile they should acknowledge and thank the hardworking teachers, helpers and family members.