4月30日世外小学境内部全体师生齐聚大操场,在“阳光体育 快乐健身”的春运会活动中享受春天的美好。On April.30th, the teachers and the students of WFLPS Local Section gather at the playground. People enjoy the sunshine of the spring through exercising on the Sports Day.
伴随着张校长的一声令下,运动会拉开了序幕,场上加油声、呐喊声不绝于耳,彰显着青春的活力。接下来的趣味项目给同学们带来了很多欢乐:青蛙搬家、踏实过河、钻山洞……不仅锻炼了身体,也让场上场下的运动员们忍俊不禁。Madam Zhang blew the whistle and started the Sports Day. You can hear the cheers everywhere. The games bring joy to the students, frog moving, crossing the river, going through the tunnel……It not only exercise the body, but also cheers everybody up.
接下来的体育赛事,运动员们则是铆足了劲。立定跳远、海绵球、垒球……场上运动员们挥洒汗水。During the sports meeting, the athletes are energetic and full of passion. Long jump, soft balls, dodge balls……The athlets are sweating a lot.
场下观众们呐喊助威,世外小学的操场成为一片热闹的海洋。The audiences are cheering up. WFLPS playground is boiling.
双语部本次运动会围绕着主题“快乐童年”进行,在开幕式上,一年级全体同学表演了“武术”、二年级表演“跆拳道”、三年级同学表演了“啦啦操”、四五年级同学表演了“希望的风帆”。The theme of the Bilingual Section Sports Day is “Happy Childhood”. On the Opening Ceremony, Yr1 students performed “Kongfu”. Yr2 played “taekwondo”. Yr3 showed “Cheerleading”. Yr4&5 performed “morning exercising”.
开幕式表演、运动比赛、集体接力,同学们各显其能,人人都参与进来,每一位同学都是运动会的小主角。The performance of the Opening Ceremony, the sports competition, the relay all show the students’ abilities. Every one participates in it. Everyone is the hero of the sports day.
在运动会中,学校不仅安排了学生的田赛、径赛项目,还有趣味定向越野,让学生们进行了一场别开生面的比赛。During the sports day, the school not noly organized the field evernts, but also the track events and an interesting orienteering as well. The students had a wonderful competition.
裁判员老师认真负责,细致高效地进行工作,使得每项比赛安全、井然有序地进行。The judges are hardworking. They did their job carefully to ensure the safety of the competition and make sure everything going smoothly.
在紧张激烈的竞赛项目中,一至五年级全体运动员团结进取,奋力拼搏,屡创佳绩,赛出了水平,赛出了风格。各班拉拉队的加油声和运动员的呐喊声汇成一片,此起彼伏,整个校园洋溢着浓浓的运动气息。During the competition, Yr1 up to Yr5 students united together to keep fighting. They broke the records. They tried their best and showed their talents. The whole campus was surrounded with sports flavor.
尤其是最后的迎面接力赛,使运动会气氛达到了高潮,展示了我校师生勇于拼搏、奋发向上的精神风貌。Especially for the relay part, it was the climax of the sports day. It reflects the spirits of the teachers and the students.
比赛结束后,体育组为获胜的班级和个人颁发奖状,春运会在欢乐轻松的气氛中落下帷幕。At last, the PE Group gave the rewards to the winners and winner class. That’s the end of the joyful Spring Sports Day.