5月19 日,徐汇区道德与法治学科团队教研在世外小学东部校区开展。在徐汇区教研员曹娟娟的指导下,世外小学双语部一年级组的赵威老师和来自位育实验学校的陆春霞老师向全区进行了公开课的展示。课后,教研组以“关注学科素养”为主题开展研讨。On May 19th, the research team of Morality Education of Xuhui District held the activity in the east campus of WFLPS. Under the leadership of Cao juanjuan—the superintendant of Xuhui District, Zhao Wei—a Year 1 teacher of the Bilingual Section of WFLPS and Lu Chunxia from Wei Yu Experiemental School presented the sessions. After the presentations, they had the teacher focus on their understandings.
赵老师在《可爱的动物》一课中,内容设计新颖活泼,从儿童视角出发,创设情境,变身导游带领学生了解可爱的小动物,点燃了学生学习兴趣。Teacher Zhao had the lesson of "Lovely Animals". The design is vivid. From the children’s perspectives, she created a situation. She played the role as a tour guide and led the students to know more about the animals. She aroused the students’ interest in learning about animals.
课堂氛围活泼融洽,学生参与性强。在“跳一跳”“猜一猜”“演一演”等丰富多彩的活动中,学生们的积极性被充分调动起来。A harmonios atmosphere prevailed and the students were engaged. The activities included “Jumping”, “Guessing” and “Acting”. The students’ were stimulated and motivated to participate.
“说一说”的故事环节,一年级学生大方地向老师们介绍自己的动物朋友,侃侃而谈,落落大方。赢得老师们的拍手称赞。真正实现了把课堂交给学生。Year 1 students introduced their animal friend to the teachers confidently. They were full of self-confidence and impressed the teachers a lot. It was very student driven.
赵老师的这节课也是双语一年级safari park项目活动中的一个板块,从道法课的角度带领孩子亲近动物,课程也紧紧围绕教研室教研计划的精神和学校教学计划的要求,以新的理念为指导,关注学科素养,发挥了教师的创新精神和探究积极性,达到了很好的教学效果。Teacher Zhao’s lesson is also a part of Bilingual Section Year 1 Safari Park Project. From the Morality Edcuation angle, she was leading the kids to get closer to the animals. The course follows the requirements of the Research office and the school teaching plans. With the guidence of the new philosoph which is to focus on the subject and feature innovation and exploration, proved to be effective.
来自位育实验学校的陆老师与二年级的世外学生一起默契配合,展示了《小水滴的述说》一课。Teacher Lu is from Wei Yu Experiemental School and with the Year 2 WFLPS students, they had a lesson about "Waterdrop Says".
展示课结束后,在集体教研中,团队教师分享备课与课堂教学中的感悟及反思。After the lesson, the teachers shared their teaching plan and the reflection about how they thought how successful the lesson was.
胸中有丘壑,自然成风景。每位教师都是学生人生的引领者,道法教师更要拓宽学习视野,挖掘教育资源,使学生得益于课内,受益于终生。Where there is a will, there is a way. Every teacher is the students’ life guide. Morality teachers should widen the students’ horizon, search educational resources, and let the students benefit not only in the class but also in their whole life.
上课、听课和教研过程如同一场思维的盛宴,给教师们提供了互相探究、学习的机会。我们还将继续勤于探索,在反思和学习中进步,为更好地做学生成长的引路人不懈努力。Having lessons, observing lessons, doing research is a sort of thinking feast. It provides the teachers the chance to learn from each other. We will keep exploring, reflecting and learning. We will try our best to be the guide of the students’ development.
撰文:胡雪媛 Articla Hu xueyuan
摄影:胡雪缘 Photos Hu xueyuan