July 1st was the 100th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party. It was also the first day of WFLPS Teachers’ summer vacation training day. The topic is “Communication of the Results of Project Based Learning projects”. There were two parts to the report. Project Based Learning examples were shared with a report of the research project.
WFLPS is the base school of Shanghai Obligation Education 3-year PBL cases implementation. This semester, Principal Zhang Yueying is the key person. Under her leadership, more and more subject teachers trialed PBL and implemented many trans-disciplinary PBL .
孙亦文老师作为境内五年级组代表,向与会教师介绍了第一个案例“中国馆 世外造”境内五年级毕业展。孙老师的分享由一段精彩的回顾视频引出,围绕项目目标、项目设计、项目实施等方面进行了介绍。
Sun Yiwen as the Local Section Yr5 representative introduced the first case ‘China Pavilion, Made in WFLPS” Local Section Yr5 Exhibition. The fantastic videos elicited an excellent review of the event. The aims, the design and the implementation was introduced to all.
龚豪老师以境内部数学学科项目化“世外集市” 为例,与老师们交流项目团队在这个项目化学习中问题链的设计与思考,呈现了驱动问题以及子问题和教师提供的多样学习支架设计、形成、调整、完善的完整的过程。
Gong Hao presented the Local Section Maths PBL “WFLPS Market” as an example. He shared the design using a question cycle and the thinking steps. He presented the question-driven and afterwards asked for questions. The teachers used a multiple learning framework design, incorporating form, adjustments and the process of the improvement.
Zhu Yilin focused on the combination of Maths with Art. The PBL case “Knowing the Circle” let students know about circles, how to draw the circles and be creative with circles. It’s a exploration of the beauty of Art and Science.
Jin Tian shared an interesting case “A Talkative Graduation Gift”. From the Yr5 students’ points of view, they had to design some talkative products at the break time by playing some games and create real-life teaching situations. It trained the thinking skills of the students.
Chen You presented the Science PBL case ‘How to Extend Best-before Date of Bread?”. During the process, the teacher provided many creative problem-solving frameworks and tools for the students to help them obtain reliable data during the procedure. The students were able to observe and get the accurate results from their research.
下半场世外研发中心的成果汇报也同样精彩,干货满满。黄恺莹老师的“五年级Digital Media项目的开发与实践”、曹晶老师的“低年级奇思妙想校长奖课程探索”、殷俊、陈洪老师的“融合部、双语部DT课程的实践研究”、施宏伟老师的“语文古诗文序列的研发”和杨晨老师的“社会情感学习课程的研发与实践”作为本学期研发中心项目的代表,项目负责人和与会老师们分享了各自项目实施的目标、研究过程以及期间形成的阶段性和最终的成果材料。不仅如此,各位负责人还对下一学年项目的晋升和完善也做好了规划。
The second session of the report of the research project was very interesting and fruitful. Huang Kaiying’s Yr5 Digital Media project’s development and practice was intriguing. Cao jing’s “Lower year level’s creativity and innovation prize from principal course” was excellent. Ying Jun, Chen Hong’s “PYP, Bilingual section DT couse practice and research' provided food for thought. Shi Hongwei’s “The research of Ancient Chinese poems” was fantastic. Yang Chen’s ‘The Research and Practice of Social Emotions” made the audience consider. As the representatves of the project, the teachers shared their aims, the procedures, the formative materials and the summary results. Nevertheless, each representaive also made a plan for improvement and how to promote the project for next academic year.
The audience teachers took notes of each example . They know more about the PBL and hope to have the opportunity to participate in more practice and research of projects. It’s not only developing the students’ thinking skills but also for the teachers it is a chance for professional development.