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暑期教师培训③ | 2021年暑期STEAM组教师培训


73Steam组的老师们开展了暑期教师培训。上午赵老师先回顾了本学年老师们的教学成果、优秀项目以及解读年终的学生素养报告(图1-1)。On July 3rd, the STEAM teachers had summer training. In the morning, teacher Zhao reviewed the teaching results of this semester, displayed some good projects and shared the students report of their final assignments.


赵老师由一个学生在五年级机器人课上的例子,向老师们传递了这样的理念:教师要给予学生充分的信任和适合的指导,学生才能得到非常棒的学习体验和收获,不能一味地填鸭式教学。Teacher Zhy shared an example of a Yr5 student’s robotic lesson. It shows that the teachers should trust the students fully and give them the proper guidance. In doing so, the students are able to obtain a great learning experience and be proud of the results that are because of their hard work not just feeding them facts!


接着,我们讲到了本学期最重要的工作成果,就是学生综合素养报告。赵老师首先解读了学生报告的3个部分以及分值的计算方法和评价标准,然后用风趣幽默的问答形式指出了此次报告中老师们会容易犯错的地方。当然总的来说老师们都很好的完成这一学年来对学生的综合评价,相信这份报告对学校、老师、家长和学生都非常有价值!Then, the teacher talked about the key points of this semester, which was the comprehensive students’ report. Teacher Zhao explained the three parts of the students’ report, including the ctriteria of the assessment and how the points were calculated. Then, he used a humorous way to do "Questions and Answers" to elicit the parts that the instructors find easy to make mistakes. Generally speaking, the teachers completed the students’ reports well, for the whole academic year. These reports are more authentic and valuable to the school, the teachers, the parents and the students.


下午赵老师带领老师们重温了Designing routine+CPS环节介绍。(图1-2)经过一学年的观察,我们发现学生在制定方案、制作、测试等环节做得非常好,反而在一开始寻找问题、确定研究方向时没有思路,结果往往都是老师给什么题目就做什么题目,没有参与感更体现不出自主性,所以借着这次培训的机会赵老师着重强调了产生问题、讨论创造性想法在项目化学习中的价值和重要性。我们选取了“联合国可持续发展目标14---海洋资源”这一主题,通过一系列教学策略和学习支架,(图1-31-41-5)让老师们体验了一次真实的课堂项目化学习,老师们都非常投入得参与讨论、分享、实践,同时他们既熟悉了Designroutine过程性记录平台2.0版本的使用方法和逻辑,又使用了Sphero编程小球,还了解了很多和“提问”、“产生想法”有关的教学策略和支架,(图2-12-22-32-42-5)为新一学年的教学打下坚实的基础。In the afternoon, Teacher Zhao led the teachers to review the Designroutine and CPS. After only one year observation, the teachers realized that the students progressed immensly in planning, making and testing. However, at the very beginning, the students had no idea when looking for problems and determining the direction of their research. Initially the students just followed the teachers and answered the questions the teachers gave them. Actually, they didn’t do it independently. The teachers took this opportunity to focus on raising questions, and discussing creative ideas. This plays an important role in Project Based Learning. The group chose the “UN sustainable development aim- Ocean Resource”as a topic. The teachers experienced the real PBL class through teaching strategies and using the learning framework.The teachers were involved in the discussion, sharing and practice. Meanwhile, they become familiar with the Design routine, the recording platform version 2.0 usage and logic. They also used the Sphero programming ball to know more about the “questions”, “forming ideas” and using teaching strategies and the framework to ensur that they have a solid foundation for teaching in the new semester.