7月3日上午,世外小学三部门的数学教师齐聚东校接待室,共同解读《单元教学指南》。On the morning of July 3rd, the three sections of WFLPS, Maths teachers gathered in the reception room in the east campus. They began their discoveries by readingthe "Maths Units Guidance".
在本次的学科培训活动中,我们有幸邀请了徐汇区数学教研员黄琰老师,深入浅出地为各位老师做指导,为大家能更规范、更优质地完成校《单元教学指南》保驾护航。During this subject training, it was a great honour to invite Ms. Huang Yan, the superintendent of Xuhui District to guide us. She gave instructions to the teachers carefully in order to present a standardised approach for the school by using the "Maths Units Guidance".
在培训伊始,黄老师首先为大家带来了单元规划建议,和大家仔细讲解了单元划分的指导思想和整合的思考路径,为大家构建了《单元教学指南》的框架指导。At the beginning of the training, Ms Huang advised the teachers how to use the unit planner. She explained the way to use the planners including listing the thinking steps. She also set up a framework guide using the"Maths Units Guidance".
接着,黄老师为大家详细拆解了《单元教学指南》编制的整体过程,从分析学情和教材,到单元属性表;从整体规划到单课准备,事无巨细地向老师们娓娓道来,在座的老师们也认真聆听,仔细记录。Ms Huang also explained the editing procedures available. She explained that we could analysise the learning of each student and adjust the teaching materials and the index accordingly. She explained in detail the general planner and the specific lessons. The teachers listened carefully and took notes.
最后,黄老师用一个生动的案例——面积,向大家呈现了一份优秀的《单元教学指南》应该有的样态。精准的学情把握,完善的单元教学设计,客观有效的评价体系都给在座的老师们留下了深刻的印象。Ms Huang presented a samle planner about surface area that illustrated the framework of the "Maths Units Guidance". It showed an actual learning situation, a complete Unit that was teacher designedwith objectives and an efficient assessment system. It was most impressive.
相信在黄琰老师的指导下,世外小学数学大组会在今后的日子中,对《单元教学指南》的编制和修订工作会愈发得高效,更好地培养学生终身发展的能力。THe school, with the guidance of Ms Huang, will ensure athat the WFLPS Maths Group will be efficient in editing and modifying the"Maths Units Guidance". This task will in the future develop the students’ life-long abilities.
下午数学大组趁热打铁,各个备课组在备课组长的带领下,开启了新学期校《单元教学指南》和校本课程大纲的研讨、编制和修订工作。In the afternoon, the Maths Group continued. Each year level group will start the new semester using the"Maths Units Guidance" and will continue to have discussions in editing and modifyingthe School Scope and Sequence documents.