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幸运棒 属于谁暨一年级新生入学典礼


To Whom does the Lucky Sticker belong to?

New Yr1 students' Opening Ceremony

2021年9月1日,这是一个值得纪念的日子,因为这一天346位小朋友迈入了上海市世界外国语小学的校门,成为一名光荣的一年级学生,开始了崭新的学习生活。这是多么高兴,多么激动的时刻啊!September 1st, 2021, was a memorable day because 346 new Year one students entered the WFL school gate for the first time. What a happy and exciting moment!


我们的成长离不开老师的关怀和爱护。在现场,校长与孩子们面对面,老师们亲切地告诉学生,成为一名小学生的骄傲,希望他们在未来五年里能让世外为他们而骄傲。With the care of the teachers, the students grow up to start another chapter of our lives. The principal  and the teachers welcomed and congratulated the students. We hope that their 5 years at WFL will be fruitful, successful and we will be proud of them.


此刻,爸爸妈妈一定更加激动、喜悦,由于疫情原因无法来到现场参加,他们通过视频为孩子们送上了真挚温暖的祝福。The parents were excited and delighted. Due to the virus, they couldn't come on to the campus. However they sent their best wishes to the children through videos.

同样哥哥姐姐是我们最好的伙伴,将陪伴着我们一起生活,一起学习,一起成长,一起进步。学长嘉漪、思远在发言中这样说:“世外是一所不一样的学校,她不仅会教我们知识,更把读书的乐趣撒在校园的每个角落,操场上、形体房、cooking教室、Science Room,推开这一扇扇门,他们会慢慢点燃你的兴趣,让你在不经意间学会了不一样的本领”。The brothers and the sisters will become best playmates. They will have a school life, learn, grow and improve together. Jia Qi, Si Yuan said, 'WFL is a special school. It not only teaches us knowledge, but also makes reading fun in every corner of the campus: on the playground, in the movement room, in the cooking room, and in the science room. When  opening the door,  we hope it will arouse your interests and make you master many different skills. 



再看看我们一年级的学生代表,虽然年龄小,虽然第一次站在世外的舞台上,但稚嫩的声音,自信的笑容和充满朝气的讲话鼓舞小伙伴们珍惜小学时光,博得了伙伴们和老师们的热烈掌声。Look at the representatives of Yr 1. Although they are young, it's the first time for them to stand on the WFL stage. Their clear voices, confident speeches and beaming smiles will inspire students to cherish their primary years time. The teachers and the students congratulated them by applauding.

最后,迎来了孩子们期待已久也是最喜欢的游戏环节——“幸运棒 属于谁”。在这个游戏中,每个孩子都需要过4关,分别是“踩脚印——喻意脚踏实地”;“夹弹珠”—— 喻意做事要专心致志,勇于挑战;“钻山洞——喻意在学习上要有不断克服钻研的精神”;“翻山岭”——喻意不怕困难,团结协作翻越山岭,最后“摘果实”——喻意跳一跳,胜利的果实是需要最后的拼搏。For the Finale, the students played their favorite game: To whom does the lucky sticker belong to? During this game, there are 4 rounds for the students to pass which are 'Step out": to be tolerant, `Pick the marbles':  to concentrate and accept challenges, `Climb the Hills': To overcome obstacles and be collaborative, and then `Pick the Fruit': If you work hard you can be victorious.

通过努力最终摘取到“幸运棒”,而打开这“幸运棒”,就是世外小学的一日行为规范。一年级小学生们从第一天开始就认真学习世外小学的行为规范,从小养成好习惯,做一名合格的小学生 Students earned the lucky sticker through trying really hard. When they opened it, it showed the daily routines for the students. Yr1 students work really hard starting from the first day learning to develop good habits and be a qualified student.


正如世外的缩写一样,WFL代表着Wider(更宽广)、Further(更深远)、Longer(更长久),象征了世外人的一种状态,怀揣着梦想,努力实践,在这里遇见更好的自己。At WFL we believe in the motto: " Wider, Further, Longer. " It represent the WFL spirit. We dream, work hard to practice, and strive to improve. 

欢迎一年级新生来到我们世外小学,新学期,让我们一起共同感享校园生活的点点滴滴,成为更好的自己。We sincerely welcome new Yr1 students to WFL. We hope you enjoy school life, learn a lot and make good friends .



撰稿:吴慧莹Article Wu Huiying


摄影:周锡雷  王廷玮Photos Zhou Xilei Wang Tingwei