Long Hua Garden of the Heroes
2021年暑期,上海市世界外国语小学的大队辅导员胡雪缘老师作为徐汇区“红领巾巡讲团”的讲师,带领着7名世外小学的少先队员代表,来到位于上海市徐汇区的龙华烈士陵园,寻访红色地标,走近英雄人物,学习党史知识。In the summer vacation of 2021, the SWFLPS Young Pioneer Group, teacher Hu Xueyuan, as the speaker of “Red scarf Tour” of Xuhui District, led 7 SWFL representatives of the Young Pioneers to Longhua Garden of Xuhui District to look for the red landmarks, to get closer to the heroes and to learn the history of the Party.
故事一Story 1:囚车上的婚礼The Wedding on the Jail Vehicle
队员Pioneer:胡老师,这里为什么会有一辆小汽车?Teacher Hu, why is there a car here?
胡老师Teacher Hu:这可不是一辆普通的汽车。This is not an ordinary car
This is the jail vehicle that transported the revolution members to the office in Song Hu. The old address of the Nationalist Party is nearby. At that time, there were many revolution members in the prison. The story of the members fighting began in the black prison vehicle.
In Long Hua, there was a story: 'The wedding in the Jail Vehicle'. During the journey in order to establish the new China, many revolution couples took some historical action. Among them, there was Cai Bozhen and Wu Zhongwen.
两个年轻人在革命工作中相知相爱,但在1931年1月不幸被捕,当时同行的难友觉得这可能是他们两个最后一次在一起了,就提议在囚车上为他俩举行一个特殊的婚礼。The two young people fell in love during working time, but in January of 1931, they were arrested.The other people thought it must be the last time for them to be together, so they suggested to hold a special wedding in the jail vehicle.
Though there were no flowers, there was plenty of good wishes from the others. The revolutionary members were aware of the sacrifice they were to make. If they died, they preferred to die when young . Here, they forced the god of death to be the love match. The god of death had to compromise.
故事二Story 2:初心大道Original Heart
队员Pioneer:那他们俩人后来的命运如何了呢?What happened to them afterwards?
胡老师Teacher Hu:蔡博真与伍仲文就是沿着这条道路走到了他们生命的尽头。Cai Bozhen and Wu Zhongwen walked along the road to their deaths.
以前这条路是十分泥泞崎岖的,连接着看守所到就义地,今天这条路经过了拓建,成为了“初心大道”,并设置了忠魂广场、胜利广场等景观。In the past, the road was muddy from the guard office to the execution ground. Today the road is widened to be the “Road of the Original Heart”. It is set up to be a square of the loyal soul, and a square of victory.
There are chains of the three people among the statues. These symbolize the Chinese Communist Party that led people to pull down the three huge mountains. They defied the authority and tried to create the happiness for the ordinary people. The road was built by the revolution member’s soul. It is also the reborn road of China.
在龙华牺牲的烈士还不止于此。在这里我们可以看到纪念碑广场、英烈墓区、纪念馆、墓苑、看守所、法庭、就义地等,还有曾经关押共产党人的水牢。There are more heroes who were buried in Long Hua Garden. Here we can see the square of the monument, the graves of the heroes and the memorial hall. There is the grave garden, the detention house and the court. Also there is the execution ground and the water jail which the Communist Party members were kept in.
故事三Story 3:弹痕累累的绒线背心The Woollen Vest full of Bullet Holes
队员Pioneer:这里就是龙华英烈慷慨赴死之路的终点了吧!Here is the destination for the heroes in Long Hua Garden.
胡老师Teacher Hu:对,前面就是就义地!Yes, here is the execution ground.
我们可以看到就义树、英烈坑、龙华墙和泰山石。这棵参天的老树就是就义树,据幸存者回忆,当时被淞沪警备司令部秘密判处极刑的革命者,曾被束缚在刑场的大树上受刑。We can see the pit for the heroes, the wall of Long Hua and the Stone of Taishan. The old big tree is the place for the execution ground. According to the survivors, the heroes who were arrested by the Head office of Songhu were executed on the tree.
The pit is for the 24 heroes buried in Long Hua.
1950年3月22日,中央人民政府要求上海人民政府查找龙华二十四烈士的遗骸。根据相关信息,确定了当年淞沪警备司令部西北侧的空地就是其中一处刑场。1950年清明节,人们就在这里挖掘出了18具完整的遗骸和一些散落的遗骸。但是怎么确认这些遗骸的身份呢?当时大家陷入了难题。当时的遗物中最受瞩目的是一件腐烂了的绒线背心,经过许峨等老同志的确认,被认定为烈士冯铿的遗物。On March 22nd of 1950,the central government requested that the Shanghai local government find the remains of the 24 heroes. According to information, the execution ground is on the Northwest side of the head office of Songhu. During the Qiingmin Festival of 1950, people dug out 18 remains and other parts, but they wondered how they could identify the remains? It’s a difficult problem for everyone. One of the remains was a rotten woollen vest. After Xu identified it, they declared that it was the remains of the hero Feng Keng.
So here is the place for the 24 heroes.
The stone wall is Long Hua Wall. There were the names of the heroes on the wall. In fact, at that time, there were thousands of heroes, but some information is hard to be identified. At this stage, only 77 heroes are named.
队员Pioneer:老师,我看到了冯铿烈士的名字,还有许多耳熟能详的革命领袖。Teacher, I saw the name of the hero, Feng Keng and some other famous revolutionary leaders.
胡老师Teacher Hu:英雄的名字不会被掩埋,石碑两边还有很多留白,时刻提醒着我们,找到他们是我们的责任和使命。昨天,英雄们的血肉倒在这片土地上,血肉化为沃土,今天我们把英雄的名字镌刻在石头上,他们的精神将永远激励着我们!The names of the heroes are not buried at all. There are still a lot of space on the stone. It reminds us that finding all the heros is our mission and responsibility. In the past, the heroes died for their country and their flesh and blood changed to the soil. Today we carve their names on the stone so that their spirit will always encourage us forever.
“龙华千古仰高风,壮士身亡志未穷。墙外桃花墙里血,一般鲜艳一般红。”这首诗就是当年和冯铿一样被关押在这里的革命志士写下的,非常激励人心。作为新时代的队员,希望大家继承先烈遗志,为美好明天努力奋斗,勇往直前! “The spirit is in Long Hua for thousands of years, the spirits of the heroes lasts forever. The peach flowers are out of the wall, the blood is inside the wall, as fresh as the red.” The poem was written by a revolutionary member who was kept in the same jail with Feng Keng. It is inspiring. As the pioneer members of the new era, we hope that people would carry on the spirit of the heroes, build a bright future and keep moving forward.
撰稿Article :胡雪缘Hu Xueyuan
摄影Photo:胡雪缘Hu Xueyuan