2021年9月10日晚上,世外小学领导班子和世外小学新老常设家委齐聚东部校区,召开了新学期第一次家委会例会。会议围绕近期学校工作重点、家委会新老成员更替等议题展开。On The evening of September 10th, the WFLPS leadersip team and the school PTA members had the first meeting of the new semester in the East campus. The agenda covered the school's latest focus and introduced the new PTA members.
校领导代表学校感谢了毕业常设家委多年来对家校工作做出的不懈努力和积极贡献。随着孩子们毕业而“退休“的家委成员,各自发表感言,表达对世外校园的不舍以及未来对学校也将一如既往的支持。On behalf of the school, the school leadership expressed their thanks to past PTA members for their dedication and efforts. The 'retired' PTA representatives gave a speech to show their support towards the school's future.
新学期,家委会迎来了三位新任常设家委的加入。校领导讲述了新成员的基本情况和推荐理由,并对家委会组织架构、人员分工等做了简要的介绍。三位新任常设家委分别是章爸爸、常爸爸和陈妈妈(照片从左自右顺序),他们将从法律、卫生、科创等方面为家校工作助力。For the new semester, there are three new school PTA members. The school leadership introduced them providing a brief intrduction and the why they were recommended. They were informed about the the school structure and their responsibilities as PTA members. The three new PTA members are Mr.Zhang, Mr. Chang and Mrs. Chen. They will be supportive about law, hygiene and science.
张校长重点介绍了学校近期的工作重心。Madam Zhang introduced the school focuses to all.
Implement 'Double Deduction '
In the new semester, the school will implement the 'Double Deduction' policy actively. THe will keep carrying out the '5-item Management'plan. . According to the different needs of each family, the school continues to set 3 school ending times for after school service. In order to control COVID - 19, each year level leaves the school at different times. It also rreduces the traffic in bth the East and West Campus. The school will set up the hobby clubs for the students.
【小标题:推行“导师制” 关爱每个孩子的身心健康】
'Mentor system' care about every child physical and mental health
In the new semester, the school will implement a 'Mentor 'system' which means that each student will have a 'personal consultant'. If they have any difficulties, they can go to the mentor. He/she might not be the class teacher or the subject teacher, but he/she must be the dearest teacher at school.
During the meeting, PTA said that they would be supportive of the school actions and cooperate with the school to create WFL features and improve the comprehensive students' abilities.