“Double Ninth Festival,Love the Old”
WFLPS Visiting the Old People in the Neighbourhood
October is the golden season. On Oct.12th,it was the Double Ninth Festival. The WFLPS PYP Section sent 18 students and representatives of the parents, together with 3 teachers to visit the old grandmas and grandpas in the Shou yifang Neighbourhood of Kangjian Street. They took some fruit, rice, oil, and salt to give to them. On behalf of WFLPS young pioneers, they showed caring and gave greetings to them.
The young pioneers gave the grandpas and grandmas a red scarf.
Yr4 Zhang xiaoyou recited a poem "A Letter to the Builders of the People’s Republic of China"
亲爱的爷爷奶奶,Dear Grandpas and Grandmas,
Today, I come to express my thanks to all of you--the builders of the People’s Republic of China.
站在新时代的路口,我们想和你们一起回望过去的时光Standing at the crossroad point,we like to review the past time together.
走过内忧外患的战火岁月,闯过改革开放的壮丽篇章Pass the fire of the war, create the new chapter of reform
我们正在沿着你们走过的路,迈着勇敢者的步伐,努力向上We are walking along the way you have had and marching to the future
今天这封信,写给你们,也写给未来的我们。Today the letter is for you and for us in the future.
谢谢你们,共和国建设者Thank you, Builders of the People’s Republic of China
没有你们,就没有祖国今日的灿烂与辉煌。Without you, the country can’t be like this.
接过建设祖国的接力棒,It’s just like a relay
传递希望之火,点亮梦想之光!Pass the fire of hope, inspire the light of dream.
The students and the grandmas and the grandpas then sang a song together "My country and Me"
Yr 3 Shen liya’s grandpa had prepared his own calligraphy work to give to the old in the neighbourhood, expressing best wishes to them.
The representative of the Chinese Communist Party in Shou yi fang read a thank-you letter to express their gratitude. They thanked WFLPS for visiting the old on the Double Ninth Festival and for bringing happiness to them.
Respecting the old is a traditional positive aspect of the Chinese nation. The health of the old is an important element of a stable society. WFLPS participates in this activity on Double Ninth Festival every year. It is a tradition to visit to show love and respect towards the old people.
孙菁华 Sun Jinghua严知愔 Yan Zhiyin撰文Article
Chen hong photo