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智趣同行 科技筑梦:世外小学科技活动喜报


Fun with Science, Build the dream

Good news of WFLPS Science Activity



WFLPS keeps science education as a school feature. The school has set up a STEAM Curriculum which focuses on the students’ personality and potential. It develops the teenagers’ science creative ability. The school holds a Science Festival annually. The school has done a lot of meaningful exploration in order to develop the students’ innovation spirits and practical ability.


最近,世外学子频频传来捷报,世外学子们在各类科技活动中再创佳绩!Recently, WFLPS students have good news. They won prizes in all kinds of science activities.



18th Cao Hejing Qiuzhi Cuptangram activity of Xuhui District


In order to develop the space imagination of the teenagers and stimulate the interests of science, practice hands-on ability, inspire the awareness of innovation, and know about the development of Chinese Space Career, The Xuhui Educational Bureau and Xuhui Cao Hejing Street together with Xuhui Teenagers Activity Center, Xuhui Qiu zhi Primary School, Xuhui Cao hejing Street School called on Yr1 and Yr2 students to present the space dream with a tangram. They held Xuhui 18th Cao Hejing Qiuzhi Cup Tangram Activity.

围绕主题“童心向‘神舟’ 播撒航天梦”,学生需要制作一副以七巧板图案为主的创意版面,体现航天元素,如神舟飞船、中国空间站,或畅想遨游太空、设计未来航天飞船、空间站等。

The topic is “Children’s heart to the spaceship, build the space dream”. The students need to make a tangram poster to reflect the space elements. This included a spaceship, the Chinese space station, or travelling in the space. They could design a future spaceship or space station.

在这个炎热的暑假里,世外小学超过80人报名了此次活动,近40份参赛作品如雪花般落下,经过校内数学赵老师和美术王老师的初选选送和区里的专家审议,最终世外小学境内部二2班的陈冠霖同学“我的七巧航天梦”荣获小学组一等奖!同样来自境内部二2班的刘宸妍“筑梦天宫向未来”荣获小学组二等奖!During the hot summer, more than 80 WFLPS students participated in this activity. Nearly 40 pieces of work just like the snowflakes were submitted to the experts in Xuhui District by Maths teacher Zhao and Art teacher Wang. Finally, “My Tangram Space Dream” by Chen Guanlin from Class 2 Grade 2 of Local Department won the 1st prize of Primary School Group.  “Build up a station of the future” by Liu Chenyan from Class 2 Grade 2 of Local Department won 2nd prize.




The Xuhui Teenagers’ Innovation Education group want students to be be “Well-balanced”, enhance the culture and develop the spirit of Science The want them to be responsible, eager to practice creatively,and explore the practical method of developing their social science new talents. The Xuhui Educational Bureau and Shanghai University Social Department together with Xuhui Teenagers’ Activity Center called on Yr4 and Yr5 students to participate in Xuhui 6th Teenagers/ Social and Science Creative Plan Activity.


The topic is “Think, Create, Grow”. The students needed to fill in a creative plan. they had to reflect observe and think about a certain social problem. The aim of the research is clear. The method of the research is based on the science. The content is specific. The thinking steps are clear.


More than 20 WFLPS students participated in the activity. Five works were finally submitted. During the hot summer, the students participated in training, first round, final round, online interview and Q&A. Finally, Tian Jiahe from the Yr5 Local Section of WFLPS (graduated in July). ”AnalYsis and thoughts of the Teenagers PE at home during Covid-19 period won the 1st prize of Primary Year Group.




Good news of Shanghai Song Qingling Teenagers’ inventions Awards

