——上海市世外小学中青年教师成果展示SWFLPS Middle-aged and young teachers Achievements
青年才俊跨骏马,Young talented galloping horses
不负青春绽芳华。Show up the youth and talents.
小荷已露尖尖角,A tiny bud comes out of the lotus
世外前路似彩霞。The future of WFLPS is bright
这里,有一群年轻人,他们在世外的园地里播种太阳,收获希望;他们在创新的路上策马扬鞭,一马当先;他们在春天的画卷里铺展彩锦,书写未来。Here are groups of young people. They are hardworking in WFLPS. They have learned a lot.They have tried their best to be creative. They are showing their talents in Spring and building the future.
Look, WFLPS has many talented teachers, good news, WFLPS has great achievements.
因为热爱,忍看桃熟流丹,李熟枝残;因为执著,选择诗满人间,画满人间。他们用春风化雨的细腻关爱学生;她们以春泥护花的温情呵护学生。These people are passionate about teaching. They are persistent and hardworking. They care about the students and take good care of the students.
李冬薇是境内部英语教师,她严谨、质朴、亲切、投入,经学校推荐,通过课堂教学与说课、案例撰写与答辩、师生问卷调查三轮选拔荣获2022年徐汇区教育系统“荣昶耕耘奖”。Li Dongwei is an English teacher in the Local Section. She is hardworking, dedicated, and engaged. After the three rounds of school recommendations, including class teaching, making teaching plans, participating in Q&A and the teacher and students; survey, she was recognised by getting the 2022 Xuhui District Rong Chang Hardworking Awards.
他风趣幽默,激情飞扬,深得学生喜爱,他就是荣获“神奇老师”称号的龚豪老师。他孜孜以求,潜心探究,在教改的路上扬鞭策马,获2022年徐汇区教育系统“荣昶骏马奖”提名奖。He is humorous and enthusiastic. He is popular among the students. He is Gong Hao who is called an“Amazing Teacher”. He tried really hard in researching and has made great progress in teaching reform. He won the Nomination Award of 2022 Xuhui Educational System Rong Chang Gallop Horsing Award.
“删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花”。一个课题,一个舞台;一篇论文,一次成长。她们在教学研究中沉思积淀,脱颖而出,在上海市义务教育项目化学习三年行动计划市级项目案例评比中,陈铀老师的《逃离地球》荣获一等奖;沈星,金晶晶老师的《我是人力资源官》荣获二等奖。Simplified autumn trees, blooming February flowers. A topic, a stage. An essay, a growth. They did a lot in teaching research. Their work is impressive. During the Shanghai Compulsory Educational PBL 3-year Action cases competition, Chen You’s "Run away from The Earth" won the 1st Prize of 2022 Science. Shen Xing and Jin Jingjing’s "I am the officer of Human Resource" won the 2nd Prize of 2022 Mandarin.
学无止境是她们一生的追求;术有专攻源自她们对爱的领悟。课堂是她们挥洒自如的舞台,她们的课深入浅出、妙趣横生。在E2022年度徐汇区小学中青年教师课堂教学评学活动中,丁懿琼老师荣获数学学科一等奖;金天老师荣获美术课一等奖。Learning is endless. They love their careers. The classroom is their stage. Their lessons are interesting and meaningful. During the 2022 Xuhui Primary School young teachers’ teaching competition, Ding Yiqiong won the 1st prize for Maths. Jin tian won the 1st prize forArt.
风华是一指流沙,不懈追求中她们在流沙里淘出真金;青春是一串音符,开拓创新中她们谱写出华丽的乐章。Youth is just like quick sand. They are the real gold in the running sand. Youth is just like a group of notes.They composed the beautiful melody with creation.
在2021年度徐汇区中小学青年教师培养项目学科教学板书设计优秀案例征集活动中,孙亦文、李仪韵、王盛祺分获一、二、三等奖。During the 2021 Xuhui Middle School and Primary School young teachers best cases of designing the boards competition, Sun yiwen ,Li yiyun, Wang shengqi won 1st , 2nd and 3rd prizes.
WFLPS young teachers made great progress and achieved recognition for their efforts. We see WFLPS will have a colorful spring.