11月,在融合部四年级,许久没有机会外出考查的孩子们开展了一次他们期盼已久的探究实践活动——“少年企业家一日工作坊”。 四年级的探究课程正在学习“市场”,我们探究的中心思想是:市场的形成取决于产品的生产能力以及衍生出的各类服务质量。经过了两周的学习,这次我们终于有机会小试牛刀,当一回“少年企业家”,让自己的“产品”进入“市场”。
What a fun day 4th grade had! We had a workshop about how to be an entrepreneur. Our central idea for this unit, “Marketplaces depend on the ability to produce goods and supply services that can be exchanged” was explored in a hands-on way.
校园里的“Wonder Walk”让我们停下平日匆忙的脚步,发现很多优秀的产品设计就在我们身边,体会了从用户视角体验产品的意义。
“企业家们”头脑风暴,发现身边的问题,思考解决问题的方法,设计相关的产品原型并起草商业计划书。We were asked to think of a problem that our community was facing. We were tasked to create a solution to the problem and complete the venture plan.
产品上市前,必要的客户调研不可少。“企业家们”在校园里进行访谈,虚心向“潜在客户”们请教对自己产品的看法和建议。We had a survey to give customers a chance to voice their concerns and suggestions.
在分析了著名品牌营销案例后,我们的产品也有了logo和slogan,“企业家们”还精心准备了“产品发布会”和摊位来推广、展示自己的产品。Once we had our ideas, we needed to sell the idea and product to others. We created a brand, logo, slogan and price point. All of us went to the gymnasium to give the final presentation.
发布会后,我们也有机会去评估其他小组的产品来决定是否下单购买。Then the fun fair began! We could visit different booths and check out our competitors’ products. With fake money, we could decide which product to buy.
短短一天工作坊结束了,“少年企业家们”收获了创业路上的第一批订单和结课证书,为小企业家们点赞!This was such a fun day and a unique experience for the students. There were so many skills practiced and so much knowledge gained. Great Job!