——记融合部数学九宫格作业Maths homework grid of PYP Section
融合部的数学作业中,有一项两周一次的homework grid九宫格作业。设计九宫格作业的初衷是让融合部的孩子们能够在长期作业和短期作业中有更多的一个选择。九个格子分别有着两种颜色,一种是灰色,是必做的内容,剩余的白色格子为选做内容,但是在选做的格子里也必须至少挑两格完成,学生完成一格,都会得到相应的个人class dojo加分。
In Maths homework of PYP Section, there is a bi-weekly homework grid. The idea of the homework grid is to give the children of PYP Section more choices between the long-term and short-term assignments. The homework grids have two colors, one is gray, which is the required content, and the rest is white, which is the optional content. However, students must select at least two of the selected grids to complete their task. Students who complete all tasks on the grid will get corresponding individual Class dojo points.
In the process of the continuous advancement of maths curriculum of PYP Section, the homework grid is also constantly updated. Meanwhile, it has become a powerful carrier to promote project-based teaching of Maths curriculum of PYP Section, running through both inside and outside the classroom.
Let’s take a look at the fun of the Maths contained in the homework grid all through each year level.
在本次融合部数学节中,我们也对九宫格作业优秀的同学进行了表彰,有5位同学获得了优秀九宫格作业的奖项,她们分别是P1A Cindy,P2B Alissa,P3C Emma ,P4B Alina,P5C Sophie。她们通过数学节直播给所有融合部的同学和老师一起分享了她们的优秀九宫格作业。During this Maths Festsival of PYP Section, 5 students were recognised as completing the homework grid to an excellent standard. They are P1A Cindy, P2B Alissa, P3C Emma, P4B Alina, P5C Sophie. They shared their excellent homework grid with all the students and teachers of PYP Section through the live broadcasts of the Maths Festival.