走廊里站着的是“波点女王”草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama),弗里达·卡罗(Frida Kahlo)、安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol),教室里坐着的有梵高和莫奈,还有来自不同时代不同国家的卓别林、达芬奇以及颜真卿。是什么原因,让这些“艺术家”聚集在一起呢?The students who are standing in the corridor are “Yayoi Kusama”,Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol. The ones who are sitting in the classroom are Van Gogh and Monet. There are many people from different countries and eras-Chaplin, Da Vinci and Yanzhenqing. How could these “Artists”gather together?
4月9日,走进融合部三年级教室,仿佛来到了一个艺术展。融合部三年级学生结合UOI探索单元主题“我们如何表达自己之——每个人都有自己的方式感受艺术”举行了一个小型艺术展。在活动前期,每个孩子通过自己搜寻资料,了解艺术家生平,最后以自我装扮的形式呈现出来。艺术在孩子们的眼中“活”了起来。On April 9th, there was an art gallery in the PYP Year 3 classrooms . PYP Yr3 students were studying the transdiciplinary theme-“How to Express Ourselves. The centaral idea was "Each of us experiences art in our own way. For the students summative assessment they all contributed to a mini exhibition. Each student reasearched a person in the arts who they were interested in. Not only did they have to research they had to make a poster about their artist and present it in an "authentic setting by dressing up as their character.
其他年级的学生分批参观了此次活动。一年级的一位小朋友对这个有着大胡子的人物充满了好奇,驻足观望着,“大胡子”突然他开口了,他说:“您好!我是列奥纳多·达·芬奇,意大利文艺复兴画家、科学家、发明家。”Other year level students visited the gallery. One Yr1 student was curious about the one with a beard and observed him for a while. The “Beard” talked to him suddenly, “Hello, I am Leonardo Da Vinci.”the painter, scientist, and inventor in the Italian Renaissance.
参观者走近“艺术家”,艺术家们会详细地讲解自己的故事,在每一幅艺术作品的背后,有着他们的平凡或者传奇经历。The visitors approached the “Artists”. The artists talked about their stories. They talked about their unusual experiences that prompted them to create.
Warhol is good at painting, printing, photography. He keeps using media to express himself. He tried printing, rubber or wood rubbing, metal skill, photo shadowing skills etc.
她就是 安娜·巴甫洛娃(Anna Pavlova)
One student was the “Ballet Queen”who was famous all over the world. She contributed and influenced the spread of ballet. She not only pushed the development and birth of the ballet to a lot of other countries and made ballet reborn, but also impacted on a lot of people through this amazing art.
She is Anna Pavlova
颜真卿书法精妙,擅长行、楷。初学褚遂良,后师从张旭,得其笔法。其正楷端庄雄伟,行书气势遒劲,创“颜体”楷书,对后世影响很大。与赵孟頫、柳公权、欧阳询并称为“楷书四大家”。Yan zhenqing’s calligraphy is perfect. He is good at “Xing”, “Kai”style. In the beginning, he was taught by Zhu suiliang. Later, he was taught by Zhang xu. He learned a lot from his master. His calligraphy is marvelous and full of strength. He created “Yan”style. It influenced later generations a lot. He along with Zhao Mengfu, Liu Gongquan, Ouyang Xun were called “Top 4 of Kai Style”.
这些生平简介和背后的故事,都是学生们自己搜集并撰写的。很多都是他们从小就喜欢并崇拜的艺术家,通过扮演“成为”了自己的偶像,也是对自我梦想和目标的追求!The stories behind these biographies are collected by the students themselves. Many of them are their favorite artists. Through their presentations, they realise that if they apply themselves they can reach their goals.
通过探索艺术单元并学习相关知识之后,以立体、全面和多维的方式呈现出的终结性评价是此次活动的目的和意义。在本次活动中,艺术激发无限创意,艺术带来永恒的魅力!The purpose of the activity is to present the students understanding of the artists lives and present it in an interesting and active way. THey are creative and charming!! .
艺术是一曲华章,突破苍穹的束;艺术是一幅水墨,点染无尽的山水;艺术是一支舞曲,恢弘青春之彩。Art is like a chapter of a book, a light shining through the clouds. Art is a painting with ink dotted on endless mountains and rivers. Art is a piece of dancing with music to make the young students wonder!
撰文 孙菁华Article Sophia
图 三年级组Photos Yr 3 Group