In March, Spring is coming and the wind blows. THe PYP students have been participating in the 2021 Literacy Festival. The students enjoy having the time to read at leisure. Reading brings us happiness, peace and enjoyment. Reciting is just one aspect of the festival, challenging students to be expressive.
On March 17th, the Recitation Competition of the Literacy Festival began. Thirty students passed the first round and then competed in the second round.
During the second round, each student prepared a video to go with their recital and it was broadcasted through to the classrooms via WFL TV. Sixteen students went into the final round after being voted though of all the PYP students.
The school campus was full of reciting voice. At noon on April 2nd, the final round began. The judge group included Madam Wang, Halina, Jackie, Angela and two students--Yu Yiting and Zhang Yingyin. The judges gave the scores according to the performance of the candidates. Ten was the highest mark the students could get. All scores from the judges were added together.
伴随着评委的入席,朗诵比赛拉开了序幕,每一位选手饱含深情,全情投入。The judges were ready. The reciting competition began.It was an emotional time as students recited verses with expression.
融合部4A班陈思妤《电车上的小姑娘》,向我们娓娓道来一个爱阅读的小姑娘。PYP 4A Chen Xiyu’s "The Little Girl on the Tram" was about a little girl who loves reading very much.
融合部4C班杨唐贝拉《The Tiny Seed》,赞美了小种子厚积薄发的生命力。PYP 4C Yang Tangbeila’s "The Tiny Seed" demonstrated the strength of the little seed.
融合部5B班的王山月和5C班的张盈颖作为表演嘉宾,分别给我们朗诵了两首诗歌,展现了五年级的哥哥姐姐们的风范。PYP 5B Wang Shanyue and PYP 5C Zhang Yingyin were two guest performers. They recited two poems for us to showcase their talents.)
值得一提的是,张盈颖的这篇朗诵获得了徐汇区艺术节一等奖。下面我们就来一起欣赏一下。Zhang Yingyin won the first prize of Xuhui Art Festival. Let’s take a look at it.
伴随着激烈的角逐,我们比赛的各项名次也一一出炉。 Eventually, the final result of the competition was announced.
最终融合部3A班的张筱悠凭借着出色的朗诵和稳定的发挥,力拔头筹,取得了此次比赛的第一名。PYP 3A Zhang Xiaoyou won first prize!
二等奖分别是融合部5C班的沈兰馨和2B班的李泽萱。The second prize was won by PYP 5C Shen Lanxing and PYP2B Li Zexuan.
三等奖的获得者分别是融合部4A班陈思妤、韩雨晴,4C班杨唐贝拉和2A班的周庭好获得。The third prize was presented to PYP 4A Chen Siyu and Han Yuqin, PYP4C Yang Tangbeila and PYP2A Zhou Tinghao.
最后是我们优胜奖的孩子们,他们一样也是棒棒的。The best performance prize was awarded to the students below
伴随着一二三等奖和优胜奖耳朵出炉,朗诵比赛落下了帷幕。The reciting competition is over, as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes were presented.
腹有诗书气自华,最是书香能致远。孩子们,当你长大了,也许你会逐渐淡忘你曾经走过的路,看过的风景,但是他们会变成你人生旅途中的一部分;也许你会逐渐淡忘你曾经看过的书,写过的文章,但它们会变成你的灵魂。愿阅读能陪伴你,指引你,帮助你,让你成为最好的自己!Books are the best friends of everyone. When you grow up, you might forget the road you passed, but the books will be the part of your life journey. You might forget the names of the books or the articles, but they will be in your soul. We hope that reading will acccompany you on your life journey, guide you and let you be the best of yourselves.