“走过路过不要错过……”、“走心力作,爱心跳楼价啦!”、“套圈游戏,要不要试一下?”4月23日上午,世外小学校园内,各种叫卖声此起彼伏,不绝于耳。世外小学融合部一年一度的“爱心义卖”活动又回来了!“Don't miss the good stuff....”,”Last price for a reasonable discount!”, “Hula Hoops!!! would you like to try?” On the morning of April 23rd, The WFLPYP Department held their annual “Flea Market”.
本次义卖活动的目的是结合融合部十大培养目标之“关爱”,继承和发扬友爱互助、扶弱济困、乐善好施的中华民族传统美德,引导学生关心他人、关爱他人,丰富学生的课外实践活动,锻炼学生自主发展的能力和参与社会活动的能力。The purpose of the activity is to link with PYP Learner Profile attribute-”Caring”. This is for our students to care for each other and help others who are not so fortunate as us. Helping others is a Chinese traditional Habit. We guide the students be caring, and make their extra curriculum activities diverse. We develop the students abilities to participate in social activities.
然而,今年的义卖与以往不同的是,本次活动只有学生参与,没有家长。此次爱心义卖中,同学们为筹集更多的善款,可谓“八仙过海各显神通”。各个班级尽心竭力,巧花心思地布置摊位,宣传形式多样,营销方式也大胆奇特,有的“流动商家”带上自己的“产品”到处找寻购买者,以甜言蜜语和自卖自夸令你难以招架,也有通过小游戏招揽生意等等。(图 吆喝)However, this year the flea market is different from the past. Only students are involved in the activities. No parents are involved at all during the day. During this activity, the students donated money for charity. They tried their best to achieve a high goal. Each class did their best to decorate the booth, advertise by all means, and promote in creative ways. Some students had moveable booths so that they could carry their products everywhere to search for the buyers. They tried to convince others to buy the products through their introduction. Some booths attract the buyers through little games.
另外本次义卖活动是通过代金券的形式进行交易的,而购买代金券的环节已经在义卖准备工作之前全部完成。Rather than handling monet the students used coupons to trade during the activity. Before it began, people had already bought coupons.
义卖现场,一档档班级摊位摆满了各式各样、花花绿绿的物品,一个个醒目的招牌“拔地而起”,一声声叫卖飞入耳畔。操场上人头攒动,热闹非凡。部分同学无偿捐出了自己的纪念品、小家电、学习用品、小摆设、玩具等物品;在今年的义卖活动上,同学们紧跟时代潮流,出现了很多“盲盒”商品,这些盲盒里或是文具,或是玩具,也有可能只是一个盒子。During the Flea Market there were all kinds of products on the booths for every class. The signs are standing obviously. It’s noisy and crowded. Some students donated their own souvenirs, such as home appliances, stationery, decorations, and toys. This year, we can see some “mystery boxes” at the flea market, which contained stationery, toys or just a box.
同学们也是多才多艺,通过展示吉他、芭蕾舞、青春热舞、唱歌等才艺赚取爱心。The students are talented. They played the guitar, did ballet, or dancing and singing.
师生们纷纷穿梭于各个店铺,欣赏、挑选、讨价还价,兴趣盎然地参与爱心义卖活动,所有人一起传递爱心,共享活动的乐趣。整个活动现场暖意涌动,爱心浓浓。The teachers and the students are busy cruising around the booths. They joined the flea market by admiring, choosing, and bargaining. All of the people donated their love and enjoyed the activity. The activity is full of love.
同学们的点滴爱心,点滴奉献,终将从点滴幸福汇聚成幸福的暖流,流淌于每个人的心间。“One good Turn deserves another. ” The money people donated will be put into the school charity fund to to support the Campus charity activities and rural area activities. The love from every student comes from the bottom of everyone’s heart.
撰文 孙菁华 摄影 周锡雷Article Sun jinhua Photos Zhou xilei