小兔汤姆怀着紧张的心情搬进了新家,新家漂亮极了,可是这一切都是陌生的。新的邻居,新的花园,当然还有新的朋友。Rabbit Tom moved to a new house nervously. The new home is beautiful, but everything is new. New neighbors, new garden, and of course new friends.
5月24日,世外小学体育馆被装扮成一个温馨的小剧场,这里要上演一出音乐儿童剧。On May 24th, the WFLPS gym was decorated to be a warm mini theatre. A Children’s Musical was being performed!
《嗨!我是汤姆》《 Salut! Je suis TOM》
作为融合部艺术节的压轴大戏,3.1开会启动,历经故事的改编,台词的反复调整,每周的排练,录音服化道等各种准备,终于迎来了正式演出。本次演出邀请了学校领导、部分家长共同观赏。As part of PYP Art Festival, the students began working on the musical on March. 1st. The students were very involved, editing the story and modifying the descriptions. They had weekly rehearsals, were involved in recording and deciding on costumes. The school leaders and some parents were invited to the performance.
本次音乐儿童剧讲述的是一只名叫汤姆的小兔子成长道路上遇到的平凡而有趣的日常故事。本剧改编自《小兔汤姆系列图画书》。The musical talks about the little rabbit Tom’s daily, facing common and interesting problems. It was adapted from the "Little Rabbit Tom" picture books.
你会恐惧第一天上学吗?现在的你还会尿床么?和同学吵架了该怎么和好呢?爸爸妈妈又生了个小妹妹,我该怎么办?改编后,剧情更贴近学生的生活,引起小观众们的强烈共鸣,一小时演出内掌声和笑声不断。四年级的小戏精们演出了精髓,大小观众都得到了共鸣。Are you afraid of going to school on the first day? Are you still wetting the bed? How to make up after a quarrel with a classmate? Parents have another baby sister. What should I do? After the editing, the plot is closer to the students’ daily problems. The audience responded well. There was appreciative applause and laughter during the 1-hour performance. Year 4 students performed excellently. The feedback from the audience was positive.
来自法国的《小兔汤姆系列图画书》,几年来已经陆续出版26册,国内销量高达2000万册,被誉为学龄前孩子的“心理自助读物”。“小兔汤姆系列图画书”囊括了孩子们日常生活的方方面面,细腻刻画了小兔汤姆天真、顽皮、可爱的儿童形象,看似平淡无奇的生活故事,却能够很好地触动到孩子幼小稚嫩的心灵。小兔汤姆就像是邻家的小男孩,孩子们通过故事感受着汤姆的喜、怒、哀、乐的同时,也在汤姆的身上找到自己的影子。The "Little Rabbit Tom" picture books are from France. In the past few years, 26 versions have been published. The sales record in China is about 20 million copies. It is so-called “The preschool children’s psychological self-help books”. The "Little Tom" series of pictures books cover all aspects of the children’s daily life. It shows the naive and naughtiness of Tom. It seems to be about ordinary life stories of a cute boy. Actually, it is touching. Tom is just like the next-door boy. The students feel the joy, anger, sadness, and happiness that Tom experiences. They can relate to his dilemas.
让我们一起来欣赏一下排练花絮 Before the performance, the author of the book, Mary Alina Bawen wished that the children have a successful performance! Let’s enjoy the rehearsal moments.
成功的演出也离不开这部剧背后为之付出的每一位大朋友小朋友,因为大家的通力合作,才有了成功的呈现。治愈的78只小兔子们成为大家最美好的回忆The success of the performance came from everyones efforts. Through everyone’s cooperation, there was a successful performance. The cute 78 bunnies provide a great memory for everyone.
撰文 孙菁华 摄影 周锡雷Article Sun jinghua
Photos Zhou xilei