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此处无声胜有声|艺术节之舞蹈分享专场 “Silence is Better than Sound ” Arts Festival Dancing Show



“舞蹈的美,在于‘此处无声胜有声’。用肢体语言,同样可以传递思想和感情,还可以跨域语言及种族的界限。所以说,舞蹈会说话!我今天就用一些舞剧和舞蹈的解析,带着大家一起去看懂舞蹈、理解舞蹈。"The beauty of the dancing is that “Silence is Better than Sound ”. Using body language to express ideas and emotions was what we witnessed. We learned to understand and analyse parts of the dance that is demonstrated through costumes and movement. 


    As a professional dancing teacher, and a parent of WFLPS, Ms. Zhang Rong introduced and shared her thoughts about dancing as an Art with all the teachers and students.


Ms.Zhang Rong’s first work is "The Crested Ibis". The core of the work was to express the relationship between human and nature. The posture is linked with ballet which includes typical classic even modern dancing elements.

全剧最美的画面就是男主角在湖边遇到一群朱鹮鸟起舞的场景,舞者的姿态,群舞阵型的设计,音乐和树枝加湖面的背景图案,构成了一幅灵动的画面。舞者们的手臂灵活柔软,就像是翩翩起舞的翅膀。The most beautiful scene is that the actor saw a group of Crested Ibis's dancing near the lake. The posture of the dancers, the forms of expression, the music and the background of branches near the lake presents a wonderful picture. The dancers have flexible arms just like wings.


第二部作品是蒙古民族艺术剧院出品原创民族舞剧《骑兵》,舞剧呈现了一名蒙古族青年朝鲁,经过蜕变,成长为骑兵勇士的光荣历程。The second dance is "Mounted Soldiers"  composed by the Mongolian National Art Theater. The drama presents the glorious growing journey of a Mongolian young man, Chao Lu, who grew up to be a real soldier.


The third dance is Ms.Zhang’s favorite one. She has seen it three times. It is the red-theme dancing drama "Endless Telegraph". It talks about the true story of Chinese Communist Party members' fight against the enemy in the 1940s.


为了能让学生们更直观地了解舞蹈艺术,张老师特别邀请了毕业于上戏舞蹈学院表演专业的刘博伦老师,为同学们带来的一段具有男子舞蹈阳刚之美的舞蹈《精武》。In order to let the students know more about the dancing art directly, Ms. Zhang invited Mr. Liu Bolun, who graduated from Major Performance of Shanghai Drama Dancing University to present the masculine beauty of a male dance, "Jing Wu".



When talking about Xin Jiang dance, everyone will think of “twisting the neck” and “twisting the waist”. In fact, there are many elements of the Xin Jinag dance.


The drama  "Be Here, Be There" integrated Xin Jiang’s multi-ethnic dances, including Uygur, Xibe, Kazak (with feathers) and Tajik (with gauze).

上海戏剧学院舞蹈团首席演员燕晓霞老师穿着精美绝伦的新疆服饰,迈着轻盈的步子,缓缓走上舞台,为同学们带来的维吾尔族舞蹈《美丽的阿尔汉》。The chief actress, Yan Xiaoxia from the Dancing Group of Shanghai Drama University presented the Xin Jiang Costume. She walks to the stage gracefully to present the Uygur dancing, "The Beautiful Arhan".

一些学生也被邀请上台,跟着舞蹈老师学习不同种类的舞蹈动作。此次活动也是结合了融合部“艺术节”主题,从中让同学们了解不同领域的艺术。Some students were invited to the stage to learn how to dance different kinds of movements by following the dancers. The activity is linked with the PYP Arts Festival. This was an activity to inform students about a beautiful forms of Art from many regions in China.



Dancing is a soul language, a way of stepping to realize your dreams. Each movement expresses emotions and creates a dancing poem.


撰文 孙菁华Article Sun jinghua

摄影 周锡雷Photos Zhou xilei