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探索动物奥秘 研究材料性质:记融合部二年级UOI课



Exploring the diverse and wonderful world of animals and studying the different properties of materials: Welcome to UOI class in Year 2.



What kind of learning environment requires children to be dressed as animals, singing and dancing in unison? What kind of learning environment leads children to make raisins dance, turn candy into rainbows and later witness spectacular volcanic eruptions all on the same day?
Let's take a closer look at UOI class in WFL Year 2.



Each semester, the children in the PYP Department will perform a class assembly based on what they are learning in UOI . It’s one of the highlights of the children’s school life. A week or two in advance, the children brainstorm about what they want to perform. Then they write scripts, assign lines to each other, and rehearse skits and songs and dances. Due to the epidemic situation, this semester's class performance was presented in video form.


3月,2C的学生正在研究生物及其适应性。在20分钟的表演中,学生们扮演了各种各样的角色,包括老师、学生、鸟、鸭子、松鼠、老鼠和猫。他们很快就学会了台词,并在镜头前自信地表演。一些老师也在视频中客串了一把,如Halina, Mr.Aleks和殷俊老师。所有2C的学生都热情参与了表演和拍摄过程。在表演最后,他们一边唱“动物之歌”,一边跳舞,多么愉快的一次学习经历啊!特别感谢“动物之歌”的编舞,4A的Dorothy小姐姐。

In March, the students and teachers of 2C had no time to waste in preparing for their virtual class assembly. At the time, they were inquiring into living things and their adaptations. Students performed a variety of acting roles in the 20-minute-long performance, including teachers, students, birds, ducks, squirrels, mice and cats. They learnt their lines quickly and performed them confidently in front of the camera. There were even different cameos of different staff members playing themselves such as Halina, Mr. Aleks and Mr. Peter Yin! All of the 2C students were involved during the production. They all worked together to dance and sing to “The Animal Song” at the conclusion of the performance. The choreography to this routine was designed by Dorothy of PYP 4A. What a great learning experience this was!



In April, the students and teachers in 2B were inquiring into different materials and their uses. Student voice and choice was at the forefront of the initial decision-making process for what would be included in the performance. Because of this, students were enthusiastic about their contributions to the 20-minute show. The assembly was split into three main parts and included short educational clips to enforce our central idea and lines of inquiry. We began with a narrative performance of the Three Little Pigs story and the students delivered their parts with confidence. Students were able to demonstrate their knowledge of material properties in the second part of the show, and they enjoyed shooting this skit together at school. The final part of the assembly was full of fun as we saw at-home videos of students conducting experiments to show how physical and chemical changes can occur in materials ranging from shattering glass to frying an egg. Overall, it was a great team building and learning experience!



In the middle of May, just before we completed our Materials Unit, the students and teachers of P2A came together to plan their assembly. It was a very busy time of the semester so we were lucky to have a lot of learning experiences to help us along the way. We had learnt all about different materials and their properties and did many experiments - including testing strength and water resistance, Dancing Raisins, Rainbow Skittles and Volcanoes to show physical and chemical change. The students were very excited to go home and try some experiments of their own. We were able to put together a collection of these as well as some quick presentations talking about material properties. Our 20-minute video was very informative and the students showed what great and knowledgeable inquirers they were. Well done to our wonderful investigators!



A colorful campus life mixed with interesting class explorations, letting children dive deep into the sea of knowledge .




撰文:Leona  Peter  Brookie   Reshanna

