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世外科学厨房---给孩子的厨房实验室 WFL Science Cooking--Children’s Experiment Lab



在科学厨房课程里,老师带领着学生们,将食材原料,经过组合调和,透过分析食物分子的物理和化学变化,最后制成各种美味的料理,即美食科学。In the Science Cooking Course, the teacher leads the students to mix the food materials, analysis the physical changes and chemical changes then turn out the delicious food--it’s so-called “Food Science.”



On the first lesson, the teacher reached the agreement with the students that it is an experiment lab for researching the food cooking processing. We obey the lab regulations. It’s not only a cooking lesson, but also a food experiment.


During the experiment, the students making the food, meanwhile, they think about the science content. For example, people are making pizzas and steamed buns, the teacher guide the students to do an interesting balloon experiment to observe the procedure of Yeast Fermentation. How do the dough ferment? How to make the pizzas and buns yummy through making the dough properly?


The classic baking soda with vinegar present the volcano experiment inspires the thinking of the students. The knowledge point enable the students make delicious and pretty souffle and blueberry muffins. It makes us know how to use the baking powder and food additives properly. It is also helpful to make us become an expert not a looker-on who is frightened by the food additives.


After learning about the freezing point of water, we only need a plastic bag, salt, and ice to make tasty vanilla ice cream. It is because of the salt reduces the temperature of the ice.


The most delicious butter in the world is the DIY butter. It tastes like ice cream. But it is not too heavy. Science Cooking class teaches you how to make DIY butter. Of course, besides the raw materials, we need the powerful arms as well.

从植物色素里提取天然pH指示剂,用于测试普通家庭日用化学品的酸碱值。 从左到右,颜色来自洁厕液,矿泉水,肥皂水和洗衣粉。

Getting the natural pH from the plant pigment. We use it to test the chemistry items at home. From the left to the right, the color is from toilet cleaning solution, bottled water, soap water and washing powder.


We also use pigment acid-base indicator and the knowledge of spreading the pigment solution to make good-looking “colored drinks”

我们用牛奶开发了一系列手工奶制品,老酸奶,手工瑞可达奶酪(Ricotta cheese)同时,也通过分析牛奶的成分了解了科学的营养概念,生命成长中补钙的最佳来源是多喝牛奶而不是多喝骨头汤,人体内共生着大量的细菌而不都是有害的。

We use milk to make DIY diary, yogurt, DIY Ricotta cheese. Meanwhile, we analysis the indigents of the milk to know about the concept of nutrition. We drink more milk to absorb calcium not by drinking bone soup. Not all of the bacterium in the human body is harmful.

课程从日常的米,面,糖,奶等食材认识每种食物大分子结构,并借由发酵,蒸煮,烘焙了解他们的化学性质,与在烹制过程中发生的变化,我们在课上用碘液鉴定了淀粉的存在,并用各种含淀粉高的食材做出了土豆泥,芋圆,青团等美食。The course covers the structure of every food with rice, flour, sugar, diary etc. People know the chemistry features through fermenting, steaming, baking. During the processing, people observe the changes. We prove the exist of starchy through lodine solution. We use the high-starchy food materials to make the mashed potatoes, taro balls and qingtuan etc.


The design of ”Science Cooking” course combines the science with the culture. Under each topic, the yummy food enhanced the learning, it’s a big feast at all.


After class, the students do the cleaning up and record the notes carefully. They master the skills through trans-disciplinary method.



The hands-on course teaches the students basics of food science. It includes Chemistry, Nutriology, microbiology. It is trans-disciplinary. The course explores the food safety to lead the students to think about the impact on food processing technology. Meanwhile, it develops the students thinking abilities. In the daily life, some wrong information about foods exists. We hope that the students will seek for the supportive evidence from the science aspect. Someday, they will be the experts on the science researching road.