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Little Stage, Retaining our Charm-WFLTV SHOW


从上学期至今,因为疫情的关系,校园的集会活动大大缩减,但校园生活依旧丰富多彩。为了能让学生们有一方舞台展现自我,学校创建了世外电视台即——WFL TV。每周四的清晨,融合部电视台以在线直播的方式和全体师生见面。Last semester, due to the Covid-19, we had to reduce the assemblies or large gatherings in the campus but the school was still active in broadcasting and inviting students to  participate in many events.  This has been due to the settining up of WFLTV, a small broadcasting studio where we can have live hosts and recorded events to share with the whole of the department. This occurs regularly on every Thursday morning.


Two PYP teachers, Yucie and Raine are in charge of it. Every week, they prepare the students and then meet the students at the station. Let’s take a look at the activities that have been broadcasted this semester.


2月元宵节:February Lantern Festival

正月十五是中国传统的元宵佳节,是新的一年里第一个月圆之日。这一天,天上明月高悬,地上彩灯万盏。每个年级的孩子们结合元宵节进行了不同主题的活动,如一年级要了解元宵节的习俗,四年级的孩子则要动手学做花灯。January 15th of Lunar Calendar is the Chinese traditional Lantern Festival. It’s the first full moon day in the new year. On that day, the moon is up high in the sky. The colorful lanterns are everywhere. Each year level students participated in activities according to different themes. This year the Yr1 students learned all about the customs of the Lantern Festival.  The Yr4 student were invited to make and showcase their DIY lanterns.

3月植树节:March Planting Tree Day



孩子们在电视台以演讲的形式向大家介绍了植树节相关的知识,展示自己的手绘海报以及唱起赞美植树节的歌曲。In early March, the winter has gone and spring is coming. We have an annual “Planting Trees' Day”. The students presented on the broadcast about the importance of planting trees and why we have a day dedicated towards this. Students made and displayed their posters and sang the songs about planting trees.


5月母亲节:May Mother’s Day



还有些学生进行了为妈妈画一幅画、朗诵一首诗、制作一张贺卡等各种有意义的活动。During the ”I am as old as my Mom” activity, the students found a photo of their mom when she was the same age as themselves. It is amazing that the photos look so similiar.  Let’s take a look at a group of photos. The mom in the picture is just like us now, so proud of herself and quite pretty.


6月父亲节:June Father’s Day





The sun of June is passionate. The flowers are beautiful and with nice smell. We celebrated the yearly Father’s Day with gratitude and admiration. According to different year levels, we had all kinds of Father’s Day Activities. Some of these activities included a book or a movie recommended by our fathers and stories about our Fathers' Careers.


因“疫情”的特殊情况而创立了WFL TV ,没想到走过了一个冬季之后,却迎来了它的春天。方寸之间的小舞台却有着大大的魅力,如今的电视台直播活动已经成为每周固定项目,这项活动还将继续开展下去。为更多的学子提供绽放自我魅力的一方乐土。Due to the Covid-19, WFLTV was set up. After the winter, it comes the spring. The little stage retains a certain charm.  A routine has been established, students are kept informed and are able to participate in a huge variety of events.  We work here for our students!



撰文 孙菁华 徐瑜Article Sun jinghua  Xu yu

图片 何好Photos He hao