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凝固的艺术 创造的舞台 ——记融合部四年级UOI探究课程Still Art, Creative Stage PYP Section Yr4 UOI Curriculum


探究课程(Unit of Inquiry/UOI)是我校融合部最受小朋友欢迎的课程之一,它注重培养学生的创造力、行动力和独立思考的能力,是IB的核心课程。一个学期的探究课程一般包括三个单元,每个单元都有自己的主题和中心思想,比如今年四年级上学期的探究课程即包括“价值观”、“建筑”、“发明”三个单元。

Units Of Inquiry is one of the most popular parts of the curriculum among the students in PYP Section. It focuses on developing the students' creativity, action and independent thinking. It is a framework from IB. There are three units each semester. Each unit has its own theme, central idea and lines of Inquiry.  This year in Yr4 the three UOI units in the first semester included “Values", "Architecture" and "Inventions”.



How do the Yr4 students do the UOI ? Let’s take a look at it.


Currently the students are doing the Architecture Unit. It reflects the culture, creativity and practibility of designing structures.  All kinds of activities are designed to increase the students understanding of how and why things are built. The aim is to let the students know about different styles of architecture and encourage them to admire details of the art. The students learned about the function of some local architecture and the elements that should be considered while designing the structures. They learn to design some simple models of architecture.


单元引入时,借助高科技地图,孩子们在课堂上享受了一次 “飞跃地平线”的视觉盛宴,跟着老师“游”遍了世界各地的地标性建筑。同时,我们也有幸邀请到了同济大学设计创意学院的教授为孩子们带来近两个小时的精彩讲座。教授饶有兴致地为孩子们介绍了很多中西方著名建筑以及建筑背后的故事,比如上海中心是如何设计建造的,还介绍了中西方建筑的文化特色,从中国的榫卯、斗拱、瓦当到西方的拱券、穹顶、爱奥尼柱,从中国的古典四合院、宫廷建筑到西方的哥特式教堂、巴洛克园林,娓娓道来,让孩子们对建筑艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣。

The Tuning-in part is based on a high-tech map. The students had a visual feast of “flying from the horizon” in the class. They visited with the guidance of the teacher, some typical landmarks all over the world. Meanwhile, we invited a professor from Tong Ji University to have a wonderful lecture for nearly two hours. The professor introduced many famous Chinese and Western architecture and the stories behind them. The professor answered our questions about the design of the Shanghai Tower.  She also introduced typical features of Chinese and western culture, from the classical Chinese Arch, to Western Gothic Cathedrals and Baroque Gardens which aroused the students’ interest a lot.


The function of architecture should be catered to the people’s needs. The form of the architecture depends on the materials. Whiling searching for the proper materials, the teachers guided the students to do some experiments to make full use of their creativity and let them know more about the features of all kinds of materials. One example was to test the stability and how solid a material could be. The teacher let the students use A4 paper, spaghetti and cotton candy to do two little experiments. Through comparing, they found out that the architecture made of A4 paper no matter how high or stable it is, was very limited. The one made of spaghetti and cotton candy could be higher and was more stable. The students realized that good materials are the base of good architecture. They understood why the good scientists tried their best to invent lighter, and more stable materials.


”Besides the materials, what else do we need to consider while building a wonderful practical and durable structure? There was a lot of science behind buildings. The students realized that we need to consider gravity , the tension of the materials and how they were arranged.  With the development of green, low carbon material, our architects drew more attention to energy saving and environmental protection. To make a classic structure, there is an internal scientific knowledge and the basic law that must be followed. No one has access to success easily. Actions speak louder than words. 

探究单元的终结性评价任务通常是整个单元的重头戏,考验孩子们的创造力、动手能力、表达能力和团队协作能力,这也是一个大显身手的好机会。“建筑”单元的终结性评价任务分小组进行,每组设计一个建筑并做出建筑模型。孩子们要设想将建筑建在一个环境有挑战的特定地方,以使他们知道,建筑不仅要能解决人们的生活需要,还要能经受住“恶劣环境”的测试,比如,建在水底的建筑要经过防水测试,建在地震多发区的建筑要经过防震测试……这个环节,主要是让孩子们将自己天马行空的想象力落到实处,锻炼孩子们的动手能力。The final assessment is the key part of the whole unit. It checks the students’ creativity, hands-on and their expression as well as team cooperation. It is also a good opportunity to show their talents. The Architecture Unit's summative assessment is a group project. Each group has to design a model located in a challenging place in a certain environment. Architecture is not only catering to the needs of people, but also to endure the challenges of the environment. For example, the architecture under the water should be water proof and the ones built in a frequent earthquake area should withstand the shocks. This part helped the students link their imagination with  reality and they had a great chance to have some hands on activities!


Finally, we displayed the structures as a presentation. We invited PYP Section students from other year levels to visit our displays. The little architects made the posters, videos or PPT's to describe features of their work. They introduced the purpose of the design in detail and the features and function of the architecture.


Each unit is a learning process based around a trans-disciplinary theme. Before each unit, all the subject teachers gathered together to do the planner cooperatively. We tried our best to link with UOI and give support the unit.  For example, while doing the Architect Unit, the Mandarin teachers assigned some reading and writing about architecture. During Maths lesson, they examined 3D shapes and where they are used in structures. The Art teacher facillitated a discussion about how to add decorations to improve the design of architecture.


The Units Of Inquiry Underpin everything that is taught in the PYP Section. The teachers plan so that students can enjoy learning and experience success.