WFLPS has a long tradition of performing musicals. Last year, we were proud to be honored with the second plaze prize for the musical “Tom Rabbit” in the Shanghai Students Drama Festival. In order to further integrate the musicals with learning, we integrated musicals into the UOI curriculum, teaching musicals as a UOI unit for the first time.
At the beginning of this semester, teachers and parents began to plan for the musical. They prepared lessons through multi-disciplinary cooperation, searched for scripts suitable for children to perform, and contacted teachers who could provide professional guidance. However, the virus disrupted the pace of preparation. Teaching and learning moved online. Away from the real stage, how did Grade 4 teachers and children maximize integration of musical theater units into virtual classrooms and the virtual stage?
“音乐剧” 单元的中心思想是“通过团队合作展示一种体现文化和视野的艺术形式——现场演出” 。这个单元所有的教学活动都围绕三条探究主线展开:剧组成员怎样进行分工合作,创作出作品;不同文化在表演艺术上的差别;创作音乐剧时要考虑的因素。这是一个全新的单元,从单元计划到录播课程等都要从无到有,这无疑是一个很大的挑战。
The central idea for the musical theatre unit is "Live performances require collaboration and reflect culture and vision”. All the activities for this unit are based on the following three main lines of inquiry: How a troupe works together to create a performance; How different cultures use performing arts. Consideration when creating a performance. This is a brand-new unit. From unit planning to recorded courses, we had to start from zero, which was undoubtedly a great challenge.
Children made full use of every video and live class to learn about the history of theater,the difference between musicals and other forms of stage performances. They realized that musicals give equal importance to songs, dialogue, body movements, performance, etc. The children learned that a successful musical requires not only the wonderful performances of the actors on stage, but also the perfect cooperation of the backstage staff on stage designing, lighting, sound, costumes and props.
在学习了音乐剧相关理论知识后,老师们以音乐剧剧本“Dragon Days”为载体,带孩子们仔细分析剧本的台词和舞台指示,研究剧本的角色特点、服装道具需求以及演出场景布置等。在充分了解了“Dragon Days” 剧本后,老师们将整个剧本在四年级三个班进行了分配,小朋友们都分到了相应的角色和歌曲演唱任务。在直播课上,老师教孩子们怎样记台词,怎样声情并茂地进行表演,孩子们分角色进行台词和歌曲练习。最后,每个孩子以视频形式将自己部分的表演和歌曲进行录制。老师们制作了片头和特效,近期将把所有孩子的视频按照剧本情节整合成一个完整的音乐剧。这是一项非常艰巨的任务,需要老师们无数个日日夜夜的精心剪辑与制作,最终版的剧目仍在编辑当中,让我们截取中间片段先睹为快吧!
After learning some basic knowledge about musicals, teachers introduced the musical script "Dragon Days" and led the children to analyze the lines, cues, costumes, scene layout, props etc. After fully understanding the script of "Dragon Days", the script was equally divided between the three Grade 4 classes. Each child had a role and a singing task of their choosing. In live class, teachers provided strategies to memorize their lines and perform with emotion. Finally, each child recorded their performances and songs. Teachers have already spent over 300 hours in editing. Put everything together into a virtual play is a very difficult task, which will take teachers’ weeks of hard work for further editing and production. Let’s watch some clips first.
“Dragon Days” 音乐剧最终以一种特殊的线上方式在空中舞台和观众见面,这对小朋友来说是一种前所未有的学习经历。特殊时期也让老师们变得无所不能,不仅能当好在线课的主播,也能当好在线音乐剧的编导。
The musical "Dragon Days" finally met the audience in a special way on the virtual stage, which was a really special learning experience for children. This special time shows the incredible versatility of our students and teachers, from hosting online classes to directing online musicals and professional film editing.