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探索校园新奇 创设课堂秩序:记融合部一年级探究课程单元学习


Explore the school campus, procedures we use

 PYP Yr1 UOI learning


Why are there so many different classrooms in the school? Is everyone in the school a teacher? Why can’t I talk loudly in the classroom?


PYP Yr1 students are new to the school campus. As Yr1 students,they have a lot of Whys in their minds. They find the answers not only from the teachers, but also through exploring.They find the answers by themselves. That is PYP UOI


“Schools have procedures to help us learn and play学校有各种不同的秩序帮助我们学习和玩耍”

Yr1 first unit is about School. The central idea is “Schools have procedures to help us learn and play”


Recently, Yr1 students have completed this unit. Let’s take a look at the processes. What have they learned?


学生们通过The Inquiry Cycle(质疑圈):Tuning in, Finding out, Sorting out, Going further, Making conclusions and Taking action步骤层层深入学习:

The students learn step by step through the Inquiry Cycle  ,Tuning in, Finding out, Sorting out, going further, making conclusions and taking action

Tuning in
Essential agreement:全班同学一起制定了班级公约,明确每个人应该遵守哪些行为准则。大家将这份一起制定的公约张贴在教室里,时刻牢记。

All of the students negotiate and stick to the essential agreement. They make sure everyone obeys the rules.  The essential agreement on the wall of the classroom clearly visible to everyone.

Scavenger hunt校园寻宝:“校园很美很大,让我们一起去寻宝!”老师的话立即吸引了同学们的兴趣。他们通过收集不同的线索,找寻学校各处,最后“挖掘”到“宝藏”。而这搜寻的过程,是为了让同学们通过自己的探索,认识到学校的每一个角落,更好地认识自己的校园。

“The school campus is big and beautiful. Let’s go treasure hunting!”The teacher’s word aroused the students’ interest. They collect different clues and search every corner of the campus. Finally, they find the “treasure”. During the hunt, the students learn about every part of the campus through exploring.

Finding out 发现:


Besides the teachers, there are many people in the school. They wear different uniforms. What do they do? The students collect the photos of the staff first. Then they do a matching activity to understand different position of everyone.


Besides classroom learning, the students also have practical activities, for example, morning reading, outside play, break time, lunch time,and the school bus team. What rules do we need to know? After group discussion, the students draw the regulations and rules.

Sorting out

老师通过不同的图片给予学生进行分类。孩子们要向“Good behavior”说“yes”,向“Bad behavior”说“No”。通过这样的小组活动,让学生们明确作为一名小学生的行为准则。

The teachers use different pictures to let the students do sorting. The children say “Yes”to “Good behavior”and say “no”to “Bad behavior”. Through this group activity, the students learn about the regulations they must follow as a primary year student.
Going further

经过一段时间的学习,同学们再重新回顾他们的Essential agreement,当初制定的班级公约是否还需要改进和添加呢?

After a period of learning, the students review their essential agreement. Is there anything needs improving or adding?

Making conclusions

设计自己Dream class,通过整个单元学习,设计自己的理想教室。这也是为他们最后单元评价做准备。

After the whole unit learning, everyone need to design their dream class on the paper. It also get ready for the final assessment.

Taking action

最后,学生们要设计出自己的梦想课堂“Dream class”。他们用彩纸把鞋盒装饰成一个教室的样子,然后用超轻黏、积木、瓦楞纸等材质在鞋盒中搭建自己的梦想课堂。在他们的课堂中,有舒适的阅读区域、有现代化的创新课堂也有充满艺术畅想的美术课堂等等。
At last, the students design their dream class. They use the colored paper  to decorate the shoebox as a classroom. They use clay, blocks, hard paper and other materials to build their dream classroom. Among them, there is a comfortable reading area, a modern creative classroom and the art classroom with art flavor.


Through six weeks, the students have an in depth exploration of the school and its procedures.  Not only the homeroom teachers are teaching the students about the school, but also other subject teachers are involved. Everything is inter-relarted and make sense to the students.

学生需要在一定的情境中理解知识,掌握技能,探索相关的学习内容,并超越传统学科之间的界限开展学习。这也有有助于学生在把学到的知识同各个学科之间建立联系,探索整合不同学科知识的方法,最终做到学以致用、知行合一 。

The students understand and have learned all about the school. They have used many  skills, to explore  relevant content,and it reaches all subjects to be trans-disciplinary. It is helpful to the students to use the knowledge in the connected subjects. They  take actions to achieve the goal of knowing about their school and the procedures.


撰文 Article孙菁华 Sun Jinghua曹重骏Cap Chongjun

摄影Photo 曹重骏Cap Chongjun 郭轶Guo Yi