Staff at SWFLPS are encouraged to continue their learning through regular training sessions and through collaboration. There is a full semester’s training schedule mapped out at the beginning of the semester related to staff training needs and wants. This is determined on a week-by-week basis by the leadership team and subject coordinators
从培训内容来看,全员教师培训可以分为以下几个类别:1. 业务培训:这类培训主要围绕教师的工作职责和业务技能展开,包括单元备课、课堂教学、教育管理、评估与考核、信息化教学等方面。2. 学科培训:这类培训主要关注教师在特定学科领域的知识和能力的提升,比如数学、语文、英语等学科的教学方法和资源的开发利用等方面的培训。3. 安全培训:这类培训主要着重培养教师的安全意识和应急处理能力,包括学校安全、校园环境安全、安全事故的处理等方面的培训。比如融合部所有教师都完成First Aid的所有培训。4. 管理培训:这类培训主要关注教师在教育管理领域的能力提升,包括班级管理、人际沟通等方面的培训。我们会通过游戏化模拟,让教师团队之间增进彼此的了解与信任。
The leadership team has determined times where the whole staff – foreign and Chinese, meet together regularly to train. The subjects that have been covered previously have been varied and are chosen as a response to people’s needs. Subjects have included special guest speakers informing us about APPS that are user friendly for use on the iPads in the classrooms, how to deal with student with varying needs and strategies to relate to and control students. The leadership team responded to teachers needs when they wanted to do some basic first aid. The teachers had experienced instructors who taught them how to respond to the types of emergencies in the classroom and the yard. All teachers in the Fusion Department are now accredited First Aiders.
The teams also meet each six weeks to collaboratively plan their Units of Inquiry. As a full staff we can find out what the next unit entails, offer suggestions to improve the unit and involve the specialists to ensure that the unit is transdisciplinary.
Each subject coordinator has dedicated time so that people can plan, learn strategies or observe lessons. The English coordinator has been demonstrating different strategies to introduce spelling and as a result several teachers trialed the strategy. Professional discussions while developing lesson saw these teachers adjusting and refining their strategy. The Math coordinator works closely with all math teachers developing planners and discussing strategies ensuring that all content is covered. The Mandarin coordinator leads their teams in discovering texts aligned with the Units of Inquiry and they collaboratively plan these in line with the Chinese National Curriculum.
Another aspect of Teacher training is regular observations. Teachers can observe others classes and respond by providing constructive feedback. Teachers have observed behavior management and various strategies that are in use.
Once a week the foreign teachers meet to discuss and collaborate on various subjects. These include planning and writing planners, discussing strategies to improve student learning and aspects of the inquiry cycle. Teachers respond positively to all training and take so much back to their classrooms.
TRAINING and DEVELOPMENT is extremely important. Teachers must be encouraged to improve and this is done through regular reflections, training and observations. Each week we see teachers learning and improving their teaching. They are life long learners and can only improve so that our students benefit!!
撰文:Halina & Jackie
摄影:Halina & Jackie