Ancient Civilizations was the first unit of year 5. The Central Idea is: Past cultures shape present day systems and technologies. In this unit of inquiry students explored several aspects of civilisations. Students learned about four civilisations; Ancient China, Egypt, Greece and Rome.
We started the unit off with our provocation activity, Mystery Boxes, where students were introduced to different artifacts from various civilizations from around the world. By using different pictures, looking, touching and analyzing students had to come to a conclusion about where this artifact was from, what was the use and purpose of this artifact, and how this artifact was made.
Ancient Greek Market Place: Students learned about how markets worked in the past. We traded many different goods. We learned about how to Trade, what to say when trying to make a good deal, and how to communicate and be fair with our class mates. We also learned that there are some aspects of trading that are have changed, but some that we still use today!
History of Language: Students learned that there are so many different types of writing in the past! We learned when and where writing began, why it was invented and how people in the past used to write. We learned that many different ancient civilizations had their own types of writing, how they might be the same and how they were different. Students enjoyed learning about the logographs because it looks a lot like Chinese characters!
I.T.: In IT class, students using their knowledge about ancient artifacts and architecture designed a 3D computer model using the program Tinkercad. This model was then 3D printed and displayed along side their mini-exhibition presentation.
Art: Students were focused on discovering diversity and interconnectedness of various ancient cultures and deepen understanding of visual arts from the past civilizations. They did exercise creating authentic artwork, an artifact in the form of sculpture, inspired by them. Students were informed about the changes in arts that were occurring during the past, and influence on modern culture and design and were tasked with presenting their findings in mini exhibition, in cooperation with UOI department.
Grasp Task and Taking Action: The Taking Action for this unit gave students the opportunity to inform their class and school mates on an ancient civilization that we choose. We did a lot of research on the different aspects of civilization, created a timeline about the history, and compared the ancient civilization to modern society. Not only did we learn a lot, but also were able to share what we learned during our mini-exhibition.
Field Trip to Guang Fulin Park: This was an opportunity for students to learn about the significance of cultural relics and their contributions to archaeology. Students examined the evolution of tools, materials and their society. There were many activities prepared that deepened the students’ understanding of the life, technology and society of ancient China.
Through exploring specific aspects of civilisations (such as religion, type of government, geography, society, economy etc.) in this unit. Students were able to make connections between the ancient civilisations and the systems we have today. Students were inducted by exploring the relationships between and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations form local and global perspectives!